Magcon Forever Part 28.

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Okay this chapter is in Nashs pov. When him and Hannah are only 13...enjoy

It was Hannahs 13th birthday today. She was visiting her Nanas house so I decided to make my move. Yeah were only young but I really have a crush on alot. I heard a knock on the door and I sprinted downstairs.  I flung the door open and hugged Hannah.

"Happy birthday Hannah"i muttered into her neck as we hugged.

"Thanks Nash"

"Want to see your present? " I asked.

"Yeah!" We walked into my room and I got the bag of things I got her. She opened it and a smile grew across her face.

"Nash it's beautiful! " she shouted pulling the jewellery box I brought her out of the bag. She ran over to me and hugged me. I looked her right in the eye and pecked her lips.

That was my first ever kiss.

-Two Years Later-

"Hannah? Whats going on?" I asked down the phone.

"I-i can't do this Nash. I-i don't wa-want to be here anymore" she sobbed.

"Hannah...hang in there"

"No Nash I can't do this anymore he's pushed me to the edge. goodbye"

She hung up the phone. I stood there in shock. I ran downstairs tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Nash hun?" my mom asked. I ran out the door. I got in my moms car, I know I cant drive but it doesn't matter. I speeded for a good 30 minuets then pulled up outside Hannahs house, I ran through the front door and up the stairs. I heard sobbing. I burst the front door open and Hannah was stood there with a bottle of pills. I grabbed them from her hand and hugged her.

"It's okay...I got you" I whispered into her hair.

"It wouldn't open." she sobbed.

"No...No Hannah you deserve to be here."

"He's ruined me Nash...everybody hates me"

"Your beautiful and for as long as I know you then your staying with me or we end it together"

"You would end it with me?" She asked. I nodded with the silent tears rolling down my face.

"If you want to end it now...we both will" She looked up at me with her eyes red and swollen.

"I can't loose you" She said wrapping her arms around me again. We fell the the floor and sat there for hours. Talking about our childhood and our memories.

-Sorry if you were confused this chapter is about Nash and Hannahs past.  And if you dont understand the boy they talk about is Taylor and She tried to kill herself...sorry if this chapter was a little bit...yeah.

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