Magcon Foever Part 17.

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Guys! 1k! We got to 1k! thanks sooooo much im over the moon!

All the way to the hotel I felt all eyes on me. Even Matts. Then the limo stopped. We all piled out and walked into the hotel. I got my own room so me and Nash headed up to the top floor to get some sleep. I stopped at my door but Nash stopped me.

"Babe your cute but is staying in my room" He laughed and pulled me into his room. Nash makes me have this warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. We walked into his room and jumped on the bed. I turned to face him.

"I love you" Nash said bringing me into his arms. I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

Matts Pov.

Seen them together makes me feel heart broken.  But he loves her. You can see it in his eyes but I love her too. I walked into my room that I was sharing with Carter and the first thing he did was hug me.

"I'm so sorry Matt" He said.

"We know you liked her" He said again. I felt angry and upset. I thought I had a chance with her she even told me her past. I started to unpack in silence then someone burst in. I turned around to see the Jacks.

"Matt were sorry dude..." Johnson said quietly.

I nodded and carried on unpacking.

Nashs Pov.

I was so happy.  I love her so much to explain. She's my everything and I can't let her go. Never. She fell asleep in my arms. I really did love her but Matt I felt really bad but I just love her.  This Magcon was going to be the best because I'll get to spend it with the most perfect girl in the world.

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