Magcon Forever Part 34.

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Hannahs pov.

It was pretty hard to take in what Taylor just said to me.

"Taylor have so much to live for" I said looking down. He lifted my head back up.

"I live for you and you only" He smiled.

"Taylor...Your worth something you can live on and find the right girl and get married,  have children,  become who you want to be"

"I'm worth nothing and your the right girl and I want to marry you and have children with you Hannah...I love you" He looked me rihht in the eye. Then it hit me like a brick wall.

I love Taylor Caniff.

I never got over him or what we were like. We had something so special that people got jealous of what we had, I loved him and I still do.

"Hannah I really am truly in love with you" He lifted my face and kissed me.

"I-i love you too Taylor" He pulled me into his chest and I hugged him tight and I felt safe. Safer than Nashs arms. I  missed this. I missed him. I missed us.

"Tomorrow were going...we'll have what we ever wanted...the house the kids...each other"

"Okay...I trust you with this"

We walked back into the waiting room and Hayes was sobbing into his mothers arms. She ran over to me and hugged me.

"He can't remember anything" She cried. I cried with her. This is why I have to go.

I looked at Shawn and he had tears in his eyes. I was going to tell him about what me and Taylor had planned.

-----Hours later------

I was staying at Taylors with him until I had to go back home. well not home because I'll never make it back.

"Taylor are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"of course I'm ready to go now"

" will we actually do it?"

"I'm getting these pills that give us an hour so we can probably just say our goodbyes but we can't tell anyone about this?"


"Can you trust me? "

"I trust you"

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now