Magcon Forever Part 9.

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After we ate and talked for a bit Matt brought up a subject that I didn't want to talk about.

"So whats the deal with you and Taylor? you seemed distance from him"

"I dont wanna talk about it yet" I muttered.

Way to go hannah make him less attracted to you.

"Thats okay." He said. We went to Matts car and started to drive home.

It was pretty awkward to be honest but a comfortable awkwardness.

We finally pulled up outside my grandparents.

"Thanks for tonight. It's been fun" I smiled.

"Any time Hannah" Matt said cutely.

"So I guess this is goodbye for now" I said.

"yeah good night" Matt smiled.

I got out the car and walked in to see Nash sitting with my grandparents!

"Nash? "

"oh hi I was walking by when I noticed that I haven't spoken to your nan in a while so I came in for a chat" He smiled.

"Okay? im goung to bed" I gave my nan a hug and got a can of coke and went upstairs.  I lay on my bed and got my phone out. An unknown number had texted me.

Hey tonight was really fun we should do it again :)

It was obviously Matt.
Yeah its been good thanks for the good time

Then Nash walked in.

"Nash dude its 11 o'clock go home already" I smirked.

"I came to ask you how it went" he said.

"Well nash one im in nothing but a t-shirt. Two its 11. Three can we talk about this tomorrow? " I asked.

"Yeah we can. but I need to know did he try anything?" He asked.

"Nash! no of course he didn't!  and you know im not ready"

"I sorry I'll go "

"Nashy we could always get ice cream and watch a film seen as your my best friend" I smiled then he did.

"I'll get the ice cream you put the film on" I said. I got the ice cream znd we watched 'The notebook' most girls cry. but you know me been me I didnt. After it ended I fell asleep on Nash. I felt him kiss my for head.

"Good night Hannah Amy Greenwood"

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now