Magcon Forever Part 26.

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Nashs Pov.

I just buried my head in my hands and cried. She's left me for Shawn! How could she do that!

"Nash? She hasn't left? Her friend is in hospital and shes gone to visit him..." Taylor said helping me up.

"Wh-What? Matt said she left with Shawn? " I stammered.

"Dude she hasn't left you" Taylor said.

Why would Matt say that? I know he likes Hannah but I didn't think he'd take it that far. I'm not letting him get away with this one.

"Matt lied to you." Taylor said.

"You been serious? " I asked.

"Yeah...and nash I know we haven't really seen eye to eye for a while and I will apologise to Hannah because I was bad to her..."

"You think you were bad!  bad is that all! Dude she fricken hurt herself!  Twice!" I screamed.


"ugh! im out of here" I walked out mad and confused, I have to get to the airport now.

I ran as fast as I could down to the lobby and out the door...I'm getting my girl.

Hannahs Pov.

I stood waiting to get my plane tickets next to Shawn.

"It's going to be alright..." Shawn said.

"I hope so...this isn't the first time this has happened to Ethan"

"What do you mean..."

"Well think about it us three are...different to everyone else at home...look at me " I said as the queue moved.

"your not different your perfect" Shawn smiled as he grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand out of his.

"Hannah!" Someone screamed. I turned around to see Taylor? He was crying?

"Taylor? " Shawn said.

"It's Nash...he's been run over!"

sorry I didn't upload much this week. I've been pretty busy with school and stuff but what do you think of that cliff hanger...

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