Magcon Forever Part 12.

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Matt was coming up the stairs. Nash knows that im not ready for a boyfriend or even just a date! so why would he tell him to ask me out! I ran into Nash's room and pretended I didn't hear what just happened then Matt walked in and sat next to me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hey Hannah, I was wondering if maybe you want to come round mine later, like the boys will be there and if you don't want to come its fine its just I really like you" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah I'd love too"

"Really! okay I'll pick you up at six" he got up and kissed my cheek then ran out. Then I heard the front door go and Nash walked in.

"So I take it as your coming to the get together later?" he asked.

"Yeah im going home to sort my out" I hugged Nash.

Nash's hugs are the best. I walked home and showered then put my 'All time low' top on with my ripped skinny jeans.  I left my hair stright so it looked good being pink. I grabbed my knee high black converse and my pink jacket then it was nearly time. I ran down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Yeah im going out with Nash and his friends if im not home then im with Nash so it's fine" I smiled then someone knocked on. I ran out the door and flung my arms around Matt. he hugged me back.

"Come on let's go" he smiled. We got in the car and started to drive. 

"Who's house is it at?" I asked.

"Oh only Aarons."

"Who's Aaron?" I asked.

"Don't worry he's nice"

Then we finally pulled up outside a huge house! We got out and walked to the door and Matt knocked on. A boy answered.  He had rosey red cheeks and a lip ring. He looked like the sort of person who I would get along with.

"Hey Matt" He smiled.

"Hey Sam" he showed us in and about 7 boys were sitting in the living room with pizza and popcorn.

"Hey guys" Matt said.

"Hannah this is Aaron, Shawn, Sam, Jc and you know Nash and Hayes oh and thats Carter" Matt smiled.

"Hi" I shyly said.

I really liked that Sam and that Shawn guy was cute. I sat down on the floor next to Hayes and we started watching a film. Half way through Nash got scared so I moved next to him. After the scary film we ordered way more pizza actually too much pizza to be honest.  Then I sat on the sofa with Matt. Sam couldn't take his eyes off me when we were eating.  Then we started to watch the one film that actually scares me.

'The Possession' Every time something happened I jumped and Matt found it really funny. He put his arm around,me and I snuggled into his chest. I fell straight asleep in Matts arms.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now