Magcon Forever Part 4.

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I dont know why but I've never looked at Nash this way. Hannah no snap out of it. He's your best friend! Stop it. I turned and looked at Nash. He smiled.

"Did the Nash Grier I know just try to kiss me?" I smirked.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't" he said. I mean I've always had a thing for Nash I suppose.

"Well I play hard to get Mr Grier" I winked. Then his mom shouted us for dinner.  We raced down and into the kitchen. I sat next to Hayes and nash across from me. We had pasta. Every time I looked up he was smiling at me, which made me giggle. He kept kicking me too which made me laugh. Hayes kept looking at me wierd. We finished eating and went into the living room. I sat in the middle of nash and hayes and kicked off my shoes. "Can we watch the conjuring? !" Hayes shouted. it was oready 7 so I texted my grandad saying if I wasnt home I was at Nashs house. he saud that was fine. Hayes put to dvd on and I loved scary films. All the way through Nash kept jumping which made me laugh. I must of fell asleep because when I opened my eyes I was in nashs bed with his top on. I sat up and Nadh was next to me fast asleep. I obviously woke him up because his eyes were open 2 seconds later. "hey... you fell asleep.  hope you don't mind me being here.., with you" he said.

"its fine nash your my best friend! " I said I lay back down and he turned to faced me. "Do you want to meet my friends tomorrow? " He asked.

"but... they'll think im weird. know the big hair and the make-up and... my gothic clothes" I said.

"Why will they? Your beautiful" He smiled.

"Why would they want to meet a small gothic girl with big hair and strange clothes?" I asked.

"why do you look at yourself like that?" he said.

"Because im a nobody... At school im just that wierd kid how hangs with the depressing kids... nobody even looks at me" I said looking down.

"Look up beautiful" nash said.

"Thanks Nash your the best friend a girl could have" I said. I moved and he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

Magcon Forever. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now