Chapter 1: How Whitney Met Kilgrave

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One day Whitney was walking down the street and she had met this strange man, and he had walked up to her. She was very frightened and did not know what to do, but she felt like she could trust him with her life. The strange man had said what is your name? She said my name is Whitney, then he says I was just looking for someplace to eat you like Chinese come on. So then Whitney had went with Kilgrave to get some Chinese food, and then he asked her if she had any special abilities? Whitney told him that had the ability to help people that are in need of help. Whitney had joined Kilgrave for a meal and they talked about things that they both can do.

So, after they both had eaten Kilgrave had invited Whitney to go back to his place so that they could talk more, and get to know each other better. So, Whitney had went home with Kilgrave not knowing what he was planning to do to her, but she was not scared she felt like she could tell him anything. Kilgrave wanted to know more about Whitney and how she came to be the person that she is, so he had decided to use his powers on her to see if that would get her to tell him more about herself and how she became the person that she is. Whitney really enjoyed spending time with Kilgrave she felt that she was save with and that he would not hurt her. Kilgrave was vey protective of Whitney and would not let any harm come her way; they felt like they could trust each other knowing each others secrets. Kilgrave and Whitney they had started spending a lot of time together and they started to know each other really well, and Whitney did not want to leave Kilgrave's no matter what she wanted to stay with so she can help him become stop being the villain and become the hero.

Kilgrave and Whitney had got along really well, and then one day when they where out and about; Kilgrave had used his powers on this guy named Billie, Kilgrave told Billie to pickup his ice tea and throw it in his face and Billie did exactly that. It did not surprise Whitney that Kilgrave would do something like that, but something did not feel right Whitney thought. Whitney and Kilgrave continued on their journey and they had stopped at this restaurant that had some really good seafood they had decided to try some of their sushi, and it was the best that they ever had. Whitney suddenly felt this cold chill going down her spine she looked really scared as this girl came near them. The girl's name was Jessie and Whitney looked over to Kilgrave and Kilgrave looked over at Jessie, and Kilgrave told Jessie to leave and then she had left immediately after he had said it; which made Whitney very happy because Jessie had left and now Whitney and Kilgrave can go back to their enjoyable evening together.

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