The Adventures of Whitney And Kilgrave And The 10th Doctor Part 3:Master

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The Master had taken Whitney as his prisoner and it was up to Kilgrave, the Doctor, and Rose to save her. The Master had removed the gag from around Whitney's mouth and he told her that they can not save you, you are all mine now. The Doctor had back into the room where Whitney was being held as prisoner, and that he demanded that you let Whitney go! Master right now! The Master laughed and said that I will never let her go until you bring back Gallifrey. The Doctor said that he will not bring back Gallifrey because of all of the things that are happening on Gallifrey. The Master said that he would release Whitney under one condition; The Doctor said okay Master but no tricks! The Master let Whitney in return to go with him back to Gallifrey.

Kilgrave had came into the room and he saw Whitney standing next to the Doctor, and Whitney saw that Kilgrave was standing there and she ran a hugged him. Kilgrave looked into Whitney's eyes and saw all the pain and hurt that the Master had put her through. Rose came in and asked Whitney if she was okay? Whitney answered Rose and said no Iam not okay, Rose saw that Whitney began to cry as Kilgrave held Whitney close to him. Kilgrave asked the Doctor what do you think the Master did to Whitney? The Doctor answered Kilgrave and said I believe that the Master used Whitney to get to me; because he wanted me to bring back Gallifrey for him.

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