Chapter 5: Whitney Goes On Adventures

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Whitney is very excited to be going with the Doctor and Kilgrave because she had never been before, and because she wanted to see all that was out there just waiting to be explored. Kilgrave could see the excitement on Whitney's face and was happy that she was feeling much better than she was before. The Doctor walks up to Whitney and ask her how are you feeling? Whitney answers the Doctor and says I'm feeling fantastic Doctor! And I am ready to start this brand new adventure; I feel that it would be a brilliant opportunity for me and Kilgrave Whitney tells him. The Doctor says to Whitney I could not agree with you more this will be a brilliant and fantastic experience for you and Kilgrave. Well, then everyone allons-y! Kilgrave explained to Whitney what allons-y! meant and she said that she was born ready.

As they went inside of the Tardis Whitney had said,"Its bigger on the inside"! Yes it most definitely is says Kilgrave, The Doctor starts up the Tardis as they go on there way; Whitney sits next to Kilgrave as they are preparing to go through all of time and space. Whitney asked the Doctor what kind of adventure where they going on? The Doctor answered her and said the kind like never before trust me Whitney it is going to be the best one yet, and that I believe that you are going to enjoy it like never before. Rose had came to join in on the conversation that Whitney and the Doctor was having , and she had said that the best part of these adventures is never knowing what is going to happen and the best part is the thrill of the danger that comes with each adventure that we go on.

Whitney turned around and she saw that Kilgrave was fast asleep and she went to sit by him and lay her head against his chest. Kilgrave had felt Whitney move towards him as he put his arms around her, and told her that she is going to have the time of her life; as she come across many dangers but she knows that Kilgrave will always be there to protect her no matter what. Whitney had fallen asleep in Kilgrave's arms when she hears the Doctor say that they are here! Whitney wakes up with excitement and the anticipation of the danger that she will soon have to face. Will Whitney survive this adventure. What is going to happen to Whitney on this brilliant fantastic adventure that she is Whitney is on? going to survive because she has someone who is always willing to protect, and nothing is going to happen to Whitney because Kilgrave, the Doctor, and Rose are not going to allow it.

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