The Adventures Of Kilgrave And The 10th Doctor Part 1: The Daleks

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Kilgrave and the Doctor for their lives and they can hear the Daleks behind them saying exterminate! exterminate! exterminate! You'll be exterminated. The Doctor notices Kilgrave looks exactly like him, but then the Doctor turns around to see if Kilgrave was still behind him but Kilgrave had seemed to be missing once more. The Daleks has taken Kilgrave hostage! Kilgrave tries to use his mind-controlling powers on the Daleks to see if that would work; because he knew that Whitney still needed him back at home. Kilgrave says to the Daleks let me go now! The Daleks had let Kilgrave go, and was now under Kilgrave control until Davros comes into the room and sees that the Daleks are now obeying Kilgrave and not him.

The Doctor finally finds Kilgrave and he sees Davros and he notices that everyone is under Kilgrave's mind-control, the Doctor asked Kilgrave how did he do it? Kilgrave answered and said that I have these powers that can make you do anything I want. Then the Doctor asked Kilgrave if he could use his powers on him? Kilgrave thought about that because he did not if the Doctor was even human, so Kilgrave asked the Doctor are you human? The Doctor answered Kilgrave and said no I am not human, so does that mean that you cannot control me the Doctor asked Kilgrave? Yes that means that I cannot control you Doctor Kilgrave answered in a shallow like voice. The Doctor notices that Kilgrave's power can come in handy as their Journey continues.

Kilgrave is still devasted about what happened to Whitney, but he tries not to think about it because the more that he thinks about it then sadder he became. Kilgrave and the Doctor went all over through time and space, and the saw and defeated creatures that wanted to destroy them; Kilgrave hoped that one day Whitney would be able to have the same experience. Kilgrave and the Doctor was walking past some statues suddenly Kilgrave turned around, and saw one standing before him with his head in his hands Kilgrave asked the Doctor what just happened? The Doctor answers Kilgrave and says that is a weeping angel well, Doctor what do we do Kilgrave asked? The Doctor tells Kilgrave not to "blink"!

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