The Wedding Of Whitney and Kilgrave Part 2: The Wedding Day

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Kilgrave was busy getting ready as he puts on his purple tuxedo. He puts a white flower on his purple suit jacket as he smiles. He couldn't believe that today was their wedding day, and he was completely overjoyed and filled with emotion. Whitney puts on her purple and white wedding dress as she smiles. This was a joyous occasion for both of them, and they were so happy together. Whitney couldn't believe that today was their wedding day and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of life with Kilgrave her soon to be husband.

Kilgrave was already at the church as some of the guest starts to arrive. He was still filled with a lot of emotion. He stands at the alter as he waits for Whitney his soon to be wife to come down the aisle. Whitney was at the church too as she looks through the door, and sees Kilgrave standing at the alter waiting for her. Whitney comes out of the church's dressing room as she slowly makes her way down the aisle.

Kilgrave sees Whitney coming down the aisle towards him as he smiles at her. He thought that she looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress. Whitney continues to make her way down the aisle as she smiles back at Kilgrave. She thought that he looked absolutely handsome in his tuxedo. The minister looks at both Whitney and Kilgrave as he could feel the love between them. Kilgrave holds Whitney's hand as he looks into her eyes.

The minister have them to say their vows to one another as he listens to them. "Whitney, I love you so much and I promise that my love for you will never end. I promise that I'll always be there for you always and forever." Kilgrave says to her as his voice was bit shaky as he puts a wedding on Whitney's finger. "Kilgrave, I love you so much too and I promise that my love for you will never cease. I promise that I'll always be there for you and by side always and forever." Whitney says back to him as her voice was a bit shaky too as she holds Kilgrave's hands, and she puts a wedding ring on Kilgrave's finger as she looks back into his eyes. "I pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Kilgrave you may kiss the bride." The minister says to them.

Kilgrave removes Whitney's veil as he leans in to kiss her lips, and he kisses her deeply and passionately on the lips. Whitney kisses Kilgrave back deeply and passionately on the lips as she holds onto him. "I love you Mr. Kilgrave my husband." Whitney says to him as she smiles at him. "I love you too Mrs. Whitney Kilgrave my wife." Kilgrave says back to her as he smiles back at her.

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