The Journey's End Part 1: What Is Happening To Whitney?

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Whitney was turning something that she did not know, and it was really weird because Whitney did not know that she had this power. Kilgrave had entered the room where Whitney is and he noticed that the temperature in the room had dropped below freezing; Kilgrave looked at Whitney and wondered why is this happening to Whitney just when things were getting back to normal. Whitney told Kilgrave that she was going to pack her stuff, so that he would not get hurt by her or her new powers that she could barely understand. Kilgrave took Whitney by hand and said stay we can work this out together I need please stay; I cannot do this without you Whitney please Kilgrave pleaded with Whitney. Whitney hugged Kilgrave and said I must go it will be better for us if I do.

Kilgrave realized that Whitney was telling the truth, but he still did not want her to leave he felt that if Whitney left he fall back into his old habits. Kilgrave told Whitney that that he needed her more than anything, and that when you figure out how to control your new powers we can be a team you and me Whitney please. Whitney smiled and said okay, but what if I cannot control my powers and I end up hurting Kilgrave I could not live with myself if that was to happen; Kilgrave took Whitney's hand said even if that does happen at least I would still have you right Whitney! Whitney told Kilgrave that he will always have her no matter what happens, and that when I figure out how to control my powers I will return to Kilgrave I promise.

Whitney had reminded Kilgrave that his job is to protect those that are in need of protecting, and to help those that are in need of help and not to use his power of persuasion for the wrong reasons but for the right ones, Kilgrave promised Whitney that he will do what he said he would do, which was to look out for those people that need his protection from people that might want to harm them and their families. Kilgrave knew that Whitney was safe but he still wanted to protected from people that could harm her, but Kilgrave also knew that other people also need his protection from people that would seek to destroy them and everyone they hold dear.

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