Does Kilgrave Live or Die? Part 3: Does Kilgrave Find A Way To Save Whitney?

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Whitney was lying on her death bed and Kilgrave walked in and held her hand and whispered that he was going to do whatever he could to save her life, and then he kissed her cheek and left the room. the doctors came into the room to check on Whitney and to see how she is progressing, but unfortunately Whitney was not doing so good in fact she was getting even worst than she was before. Therefore, Kilgrave did whatever he could to make save Whitney's life; because Kilgrave cares deeply for Whitney and he does not want lose her. Kilgrave spoke with doctors to see if what they were doing was actually helping Whitney to get better, or where they making Whitney than she was. However, the more that Kilgrave thought about the losing Whitney he began to cry; because Whitney was everything to him.

Kilgrave fortunately found someone to help save Whitney's life and he gave Kilgrave some type of medicine that would cure and bring her back to life. Kilgrave took the medicine and gave it to Whitney and she immediately woke and was completely cured it was like a miracle. Suddenly the person that gave Kilgrave the medicine told him that Whitney can never die she shall live on forever and ever. Whitney was now immortal and Kilgrave decided that he wanted to be immortal as well so they can live out their immortal lives together.

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