My best friend

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So I told you that you'd find out more about my life later. There's one very special person in my life that I haven't mentioned yet, we've known each other since we were little babies. Our parents are best friends, and we are too. My best friend's name is Cassidy, and she feels like family to me. I actually asked her to come over today, she can be here any minute. I'm making myself ready while Masy is playing with her toy. My dad wanted Masy to stay with me so I was forced to actually go outside and not only watch Netflix on my bed all day. I'm glad that she's here, I love her and it makes it less quiet. My dad and sister are gone 3 days now and it was kinda quiet. Cassidy was at some sort of teener camp for the weekend, so I spent my days watching Netflix (just what my dad thought), eating doughnuts and cuddling with Masy. I'm glad Cassidy is back now, cause I could use a little company.
*Ding dong*
There she is! I open the door.
"Cas!!!" I give my best friend a hug.
"Eleeeeenaaa, I missed you!"
We walk inside and Masy jumps up at Cas to get a hug too. She laughs.
"I missed you too, little one!"
I pour in some water for me and Cas and we sit down on the couch.
"Soooo, how was this camp? Made some friends?" I ask her.
She just laughs and doesn't say anything. This must mean something good.
"Soooo?" I ask her again. "Tell me!"
She starts telling me about how she ended up in a group of friends that had already gone on that camp for several times and that she had a lot of fun. There was one boy in the group that was really hot and sweet. They became good friends and they had a lot of fun.
"His name is Stefan, he's part Italian. His last name is Salvatore. You should meet him! He actually lives 15 minutes away from here."
I laugh.
"And he's just a friend?"
"Yeah, we're just really good friends right now."
"Right now..."
I look at her.
"Cas, come on, I can see you like him!"
"Okay, maybe I do, but I mean. All good relationships come from a good friendship, right? He probably doesn't even feel the same way about me. It's good to have a good 'boy' friend too. For a change."
"Yeah, sure.' I laugh. "When will I meet him?"
"Soon, I'll ask. So what did you do this weekend? Met anyone cool?"
"Not so much. Just stayed home and watched Netflix."
"Just what I thought. You know, you should really go out sometimes and meet people. It would be good for you."
"And by people you mean..."
"You know it would be good for you."
Cassidy always wants me to meet boys. She thinks it would be good for me. But when we meet boys, she always picks the cute ones for herself. And no boy we ever met really attracted me in that way. I just feel like they're all so childish. But whatever, I just tell Cas what she wants to hear.
"We'll go out sometime. But promise me I will meet this Stefan boy you're so 'sparkly' about."
"Okay, I promise."

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