I'm glad you're here

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I'm driving on the streets and I feel so bad. I understand that Cassidy is upset, because she really likes Stefan, but it's not my fault that he likes me. I park in front of my favorite bar, the bar I always go to when I feel bad. I just need some drinks. I take a deep sigh and than get out of my car. I just want to order a drink when I see a familiar face near the dart board. Shit, it's Damon, I really don't want to see him right now. I kind of ignored his note with the phone number on it, because I felt like I couldn't do that to Stefan. But I can't explain that to him now. I try to get out of the bar without him seeing me, but it's too late. He comes up to me, damn it.
"Elena? I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah..." I should say something, right.
"So what brings you here?"
"Well, I gave a certain girl my phone number today, but I didn't get a text of anything so I thought let's make some new drinking buddies. Maybe that'll help." I can't help but smile.
"So what brings you here?" He asks. My smile goes away. I can't talk about this with him right now.
"I hope you didn't plan on getting drunk again?" I look at him, I think he sees how messed up I am at this moment, so he doesn't ask a question about it anymore.
"Well, I need someone to play pool with, wanna join?" He hands over the pool stick and we start playing pool, not saying anything. It feels, good, just relaxing. But I have to ask him something, I have to know.
God, why is he so beautiful, he makes me so nervous.
"Uhm, did you see Stefan today?" He looks at me like he already expected that question.
"I saw him this morning. But after that I didn't."
I think I have a worried look on my face, because he's staring at me like I'm some kind of hurt puppy.
"Do you want to talk about something?" He asks.
"I don't know." I answer. Because honestly, I really don't know. He takes the pool stick out of my hand and walks over to a table, he sits down on the chair and wants me to come too, so I do.
"Elena, if this is about Stefan, you can tell me. He told me something this morning and I think that he told the same to you and that that's the reason why you're here."
Wait, Stefan told him that?
"I think I've hurt him, and I figured that I don't actually know that much about him so I don't know how he reacts to this. I didn't want to hurt him, but I couldn't lie to him."
I look at the ground.
"Elena, he's going to be okay. We've both been through a lot. I think it made us stronger. I'll check to see if he's home when I get home and I'll let you know."
"Is that also the reason why you didn't text me?"
Why did he have to ask that question...
"I guess so."
"Well, I need your phone number to let you know if Stefan is home. So you better text me something tonight." He's smiling at me and I smile back.
Why doesn't he ask me about why I hurt Stefan?
"Okay." I say.
"And we have to finish this pool match some time, but I need to go home to check on my brother now. So maybe you could come over another time and we can finish it at my place?"
It feels like my stomach is flipping around, but in a good way.
"Uhm, sure."
"Okay, good."
We both leave and when I get home I send him a text, I don't know what to write so I just write
*It's Elena*
He replies.
*Stefan's here. Don't worry.*
I'm glad.
*Thankyou. Good night*
I also got a text from Cas's mom.
*She's home. Thankyou*
One more from Damon.
*Good night Elena*
Now I can go to sleep.

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