Visions and reality

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It's a Saturday and that means Damon and I have all day to hang out. I feel like the happiest person when I'm with him. Damon told me he had a surprise for me, so I'm nervous. I feel like I'm living in a dream. It's 9am and I'm all dressed and ready to go to Damon, I yell bye to dad, but I don't get an answer. He's probably still in bed. I walk outside to go to my car and feel a drop on my nose. Is it seriously going to rain right now? I look at the sky, it's clear, all blue and no clouds, that's weird. I walk further to my car and feel another drop, on my forehead this time. I look at the sky again, but I still can't see where this could be coming from. I feel weird, and kinda dizzy, I walk to my car, and than... Black, only darkness.

I wake up feeling someone touching my arm, I hear them crying, but I can't see anything, it's all black. Where am I? Am I still passed out? Why can't I see anything?
"Elena, please come back. I can't lose you too." I recognize his voice, it's dad. I remember what happened. They must've replaced me, I'm not in LA anymore. I think he sits there for some longer and I don't think he's talking, because I don't hear anything, but than I hear him get up. I feel a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you."
It's quiet for some longer.
"I hope you can hear me, the doctors said you could." I hear him leave. After a while I hear someone coming in again.
"Elena." His voice is broken.
"I'm so sorry." I feel something going through my body, I missed that voice. It's quiet for a moment. I can feel him taking my hand.
"I promised you you wouldn't be alone, that I'd be there for you when you'd feel like that again, and I wasn't. I'm so sorry..."
He doesn't say anything but I can hear him breathing.
"We should've never broken up, two people that love each other shouldn't break up. I was stupid, I know that now."
I can hear him crying.
"Elena, please don't go, I need you. Let me make it up to you, please, I need you, Elena."
I can't say or do anything.
"Remember when you asked me to sing for you?"
He starts singing: 'Say something I'm giving up on you..." I enjoy his voice, singing for me. He doesn't finish the whole song, I can hear him crying.
"Please come back."
After a while I hear him leave. Someone else comes in, it's Cassidy. Why are they all visiting? Wait, does this mean they're actually giving up?
"Elena, it's almost been 2 weeks now, Damon's visiting every day. Sometimes he just stands there, watching you." She's quiet for a moment.
"Remember how we always used to play like we were asleep and couldn't wake up, because we were so tired? We were like seven, we didn't even know what being tired was back than." She laughs through her tears.
"Elena, think about us being seven again. Eventually we would always wake up, because your dad or my mom would yell that they had ice cream for us. It didn't even took us a second to be downstairs, ready to eat it."
She takes a deep breath and sniffs her nose.
"They told me to stay strong and be brave, but how can I not break when I see you like this? I feel like a part of this is my fault, because I let you down..."
I hear her crying some more.
"Listen." And she mumbles "I really hope you can hear me." after.
"I know I haven't been the best friend in the last few months, and I know I should've been, but Elena you're still my best friend. You have to come back Elena, we miss you. Please. I can't live without my best friend. You've had enough rest now, I brought you ice cream, it's time to wake up."
I finally feel these warm and happy feelings again, they're different than the feelings I had in my dreams before. They're so much stronger, they're real. I want to tell her, and all the others, how much I love them. I want to come back, I'm trying, but I don't know how. I want to say: 'Cassidy, help me, how should I do it?' But I can't. I'm trying, I really am, but it doesn't work. It feels like hours that Cassidy keeps sitting there. Eventually she gives me a hug. And than, I can see her, I can still not talk, but I can tell from her face that she notices. I'm back, I'm awake.

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