What a mess...

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I need to talk to Cassidy. I just need to, but she's still not picking up. It's 7pm now and I decide to just go to her house. I knock the door and her mother opens it.
"Hey Amanda, is Cassidy here?"
"I believe she's not. Stefan was here and after that she left. I thought she said she was going to you, she didn't?"
Shit, Stefan probably told her what he told me, but Cas likes Stefan, even though she doesn't want to admit it. Maybe she ran away to think. I don't want to worry Amanda, but I can't lie.
"No, I didn't see her. But I'll check out if I can find her, maybe she's there now. I'll let you know."
I wave and walk back. Okay, now I have to find Cassidy, I feel sick. I think hard, where can she be? We have a few spots, she could be at the old farm in the woods, but she could also be at the tree house by the lake. I decide to check the old farm first, it's nearest. I take my car and drive all the way, when I arrive it doesn't look like someone is there, but I still go inside, just to make sure. There's no Cassidy. Okay, than I'll try the lake. I get back in my car and drive to the other side of our little village, which is not so little when you are looking for your best friend. When I get out of my car the first thing I hear is music, she's playing on our ukulele, it's got to be Cassidy. We once bought a ukulele together, because we wanted to learn how to play. We decided that we'd leave it in the tree house, so both of us could play it if we wanted to. I slowly walk up the stairs and see Cassidy sitting there. I move closer to her.
"Hey." I say. But she doesn't answer, she just keeps playing. I sit there, it's really awkward and I feel bad. Than she looks at me.
"Can't you just leave? I want to be on my own."
I can see that she's upset, she cried.
"Cas, come on, talk to me." I try. But it doesn't seem like she's willing to talk to me. Is she mad at me?
"No, you go talk to Stefan. He's your boyfriend anyway, you don't even need me anymore." The tone she speaks with scares me.
"He's not my boyfriend? Cassidy, I told him I just want to be friends, I don't like him like that. I just told him that too, and I feel bad because I hurt him. That's why I needed to talk to you."
She's quiet. Should I tell her about Damon? But that doesn't feel right at this moment, and besides, there's not that much to tell.
"Please just leave. I don't want to talk to you."
I feel even worse. I can understand that she's mad, but why at me?
"Cas..." I try one more time. She looks at me now.
"Leave Elena! I don't want to talk to you right now!" I look at her, she's being serious. I get up and leave. I text her mother that I saw her and that she's okay and than I take my car and drive to a bar.

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