Done fighting

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The rest of the trip we really enjoyed. I'm happy this didn't ruin our whole vacation. But now, when it all comes closer, I can feel that there's some left over tension about it. I'm graduating in 4 weeks and than it takes only 2 weeks before I'm heading off to LA, or not... I'm still not sure what to do. This morning I got a letter from college, I got in. I felt so much happiness, mom would be so proud of me. But at the same time I felt so bad, now I'm really gonna have to make this choice. At least Damon and I are still functionating as a couple. I'm spending the day at his place today. I'm going to tell him I got in, and I feel nervous. Damon and I just played a game of pool and now I'm coming back from the toilet. I don't know when's the right time to tell him, so I'm postponing.
"Hey pretty, do you want something else to drink?"
"Just some more water please."
"Water, such a surprise." He walks past me and brushes his hand over my arm.
"Damon... I got a letter this morning, from college. I got in."
I don't know if I should sound excited telling him this, because I am, but I know he's not that happy about it, so I keep myself in.
"That's great."
Now I'm annoyed.
"Wow, that sounds like you mean it."
He turns to me, I can see that same frustration as in Florida again.
"Elena, how can I mean it if I know it means you're leaving?"
I'm so done with this.
"I never said that I already decided if I was going. You can at least be happy for me, or proud. You know what, whatever. I'm going home."
"Fine. Bye."
I leave in my car and drive home fast, I really need to talk to dad. I get in and see dad on the couch.
"Hey, what are you doing home? I thought you were with Damon."
"Dad, I really need your help. Damon and I just had a fight again and I think it's serious."
I start to cry. Dad walks over to me and hugs me. He knows what this fight was about, I told him we fought about it before.
"I know, it's hard to be so in love at such a young age. But it's your decision Elena, you're still so young, you have to make your own choice in this."
"I know. It's just... I wanted this ever since I was a little girl and now I just feel like everything will be ruined. Dad, I can't make this choice."
"Elena, you got in. The school, the place you always dreamed of. You should just take this chance."
I look at him.
"Or you do not take this chance and you build up a life with him, here. It both sounds good. I stand behind you, whatever you choose."
"But why can't it just be perfect? Everything together? I'm not ready to let go of him."
"My dear daughter, you can always decide to come back."
I cry, I just have to keep crying right now. And so I do, until I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up with a headache. I take an aspirin. Than I look at my phone.
*Elena, I think we should talk.*
It's from Damon. I don't feel like answering it yet, but than my dad knocks on my door.
I open the door.
"Damon is here."
He came to my house. That means he really wants to talk. Maybe we can finally talk about this without fighting.
"I'll come."
I put on some clothes and walk downstairs.
"Maybe we can take a walk?"
"Sounds great."
We leave and take a walk.
"You know, I don't understand how I could let you leave like that. I'm such an ass."
"You are."
I look at him and smirk.
"But at least you are a great ass."
He laughs softly.
"Damon, why is it such a big problem?"
"Because, Elena, it's on the other side of the country..."
"I know, but... I always wanted to go there and get a place near the beach. And I told you you can come with me or we can text and sky-"
"Elena, you know I can't, I told you this 1000 times already. And I've had a long distance relationship, it doesn't work."
"We can make it work."
"You don't understand it, you don't know shit!"
I'm quiet for a moment, I hate when he says things like that, but I know it's just the moment.
"But I know that I love you..." I quietly say. He turns around.
"I love you too! But I love my brother too and he needs me here."
"Well... That's your choice to make."
"Elena, you know that's not a choice..."
"You still got to make it. I'm done fighting about this. I love you Damon, but I made my choice, I'm leaving in 6 weeks, after graduation."
He looks at me.
"So you're 100% leaving?"
"Yes, as I said, I made my choice."

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