Staying the night

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The movie ended and Damon and I are walking home.
"My place or yours?" He asks.
He squeezes my hand. Damon gets called, it's Stefan.
*Hey Stef.*
*Hii, I'm staying at Cas' tonight, you probably already heard from Elena anyways.*
He looks at me and laughs.
*Yes, she told me. Okay, be careful.*
*Oh, shut up.*
He hangs up and we walk further, he takes my hand. When we arrive at his place, we take something to drink and land on the couch.
"So, what do you want to eat tonight?"
"Maybe we can make lasagna? Well, you can make and I can watch, since I can't cook."
"I'm only cooking if you're helping."
"Ugh, whatever."
He kisses my cheek. We go out to get the stuff we need to cook lasagna and than it's already time to actually start cooking. We're having fun cooking and when it's in the oven we lay down on the couch. The tv is on, but I don't even know what's on, because I'm only thinking about what I said in the cinema. Damon seems to not know what to do either, because he's going with his thumb over my hand, and I can see he's also thinking. I take his hand in both of my hands and brush it over my face, I give it a kiss. I just love his touch, it makes me feel so good. He gives me a kiss on my forehead and I smile.
"Elena, since Stefan is staying at Cassidy's tonight, and your dad's not home..."
I know what he's going to ask and I feel it in my stomach.
"Do you maybe want to spend the night here?"
I kiss him. He smiles.
"I guess that's a yes?"
I smile and kiss him again. Than the lasagna is ready and we eat while watching funniest home videos, it's funny and we laugh a lot. After that we play some games of pool and when it's 11pm I take a shower, after me Damon takes a shower. Damon gave me a shirt of his that I could wear as pj's, I love that it smells like him, but I'm definitely not sexy in it. First I look around in his room and than he comes in, with only a towel around his body.
"Sorry I forgot to bring my clothes." I wonder if he always walks from the bathroom to his room naked when no one else is here. I turn around and walk to the bed when he's putting on his underwear.
"Which side do you want to have?" He asks. He's only wearing underwear and nothing more, I can barely breathe, because he's so beautiful and I know that he's going to be lying next to me.
"Uhm, right, is that okay?"
"Perfect, I always sleep on the left." He gets in bed and I also get in. I don't know what to do, so I give him a kiss and say goodnight. He says goodnight too. I feel so many things in my body, and there are so many things going on in my head, I can't sleep. I turn back to Damon and see that he's not sleeping either.
"Damon, don't you ever wish you were with someone who is, like, more mature?"
"Why would you think that?"
I stay quiet.
"I couldn't wish for anything better than you. There's nothing better."
I look at him and kiss his lips. When I pull away he looks at me and starts kissing me again, sort of biting in my bottom lip. It actually feels good. Than he brushes his hand over my leg and over my thigh, going under my panties, looking at my body. I'm getting warm and I can hardly breathe. I'm panicking a bit. I know what he wants, and I want it too, but I don't want him to expect things from me, since I've never done it before.
"Damon, I don't know wh-"
He lays his finger on my lips.
"Shhh, you said you didn't know what you were doing with out first kiss too, but you were pretty damn good."
I laugh.
"Damon, that makes no sense, this is different."
He kisses my neck.
"Yes it does, and no it's not."
He climbs on top of me and starts kissing my neck. His shirt is already off, so I take mine off too. I look at his sixpack, his body is gorgeous. Than he starts kissing my body, every inch of it. He starts in my neck and goes all the way down, going up again just before he gets there. It feels so good, but I don't know if I should do something too. Shouldn't we take all of our clothes of first? I push him away and stand up, he looks confused. I'm standing there in my underwear, and he's checking out my whole body. I'm nervous. I'm glad I'm wearing something cute. Than he stands up too and takes off his underwear. I don't know where to look, he's completely naked.
"Don't be shy. It doesn't bite."
I laugh, nervously.
"You're weird."
He walks over to me and stands behind me, he loosens my bra and gently takes it off, than he kisses my neck again while his hands are on my hips.
"I know." I feel his breath and get goosebumps. I take off my panties and turn around, we look at each other for a few seconds and than I start kissing him hard. He starts walking, so I have to walk too. He pushes me on the bed and comes on top of me. Than I worry.
"Damon, do you h-"
"Yes, baby, I didn't forget it." He puts on a condom and I'm kissing his arms. He starts making moves and I can feel him coming in. It hurts a little, I groan.
"Are you okay?" He asks while breathing heavily.
"Just... Keep going."
And he does, it's not like I can compare or something, but Damon's good. I lay my arms next to my head and groan again. He strokes his hands over my arms and ends up in my hands, our fingers intertwine, it fits perfectly, like we're made for each other. He's sweaty. Even though it hurts a little, it feels so good. I could never imagine that my first time would be so good. Damon keeps going and I get lost in the moment.

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