Mario kart again

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It's 10am and I wake up, because my phone is beeping. I look at it and hope it's Damon.
*Elena, goodmorning. I'm coming over and I'm already on my way do you better open the door when I arrive. SEE YOU IN A MINUTE*
I groan, now I have to yet out of bed and can't eat breakfast in my pj's. I stay in my bed for a few minutes, just to check my Instagram and stuff. Than the doorbell rings, I'm still in my bed and still in my pj's. I run downstairs and open the door.
"Hey Cas." I say.
"Hey Lenaaa! What are you wearing?"
"That's my pj's, duh."
"That's your pj's? Are you kidding me? That's what I wore as my pj's when I was 10. You really should get different pj's. We have to go shopping together, maybe tomorrow? I'm gonna help you find the cutest pj's ever, even a little sexy maybe. So, tomorrow?"
Ugh, it's still so early. Sometimes I really want Cassidy to just shut up, but I love her.
"Yeah, tomorrow's fine."
"So why are you even in your pj's still?"
"Your message actually woke me up, I was tired and it isn't really that late yet. You could've also just let me sleep."
"No, I couldn't. Becauseeeeee..."
"Because what?"
I give Masy her food in the meantime.
"Because. I need to know what's going on between you and Damon? You've been hanging out more than once in the last few days and he told me he was going to take you for dinner last night. And you are my best friend, so you need to tell me this."
"Oh, come on. We're just friends. He's kind to me, and he's funny."
"And hot, and into you, obviously."
I laugh but I don't know what to say.
"But he's also 6 years older than you and he's Stefan's brother." She sounds very serious all of a sudden.
"I know." Is all I can think of to say, and so that's all I tell her.
~But I still want him~
Is all I can think. Even though I know it's not the best situation. I've been thinking about it a lot myself. But I can't control my feelings with this. It's like they're choosing their own path. See, that's what I would've told my mom, but I don't feel like it will help if I'll tell Cassidy this.
"Okay, whatever. So how was yesterday? You didn't sleep at his place, and he didn't sleep here, obviously. Otherwise you would've worn different pajamas."
"Cas! I'm serious. I just told you were are friends, and that's all we are."
While I say this my mind is telling me it's not true. What we have is more than that, but at this moment it's not officially more.
"Yeah, okay, right. So you're not going to tell me."
"No, because there's nothing to tell." And again my mind that's telling me I'm not telling the truth. Cassidy and I start playing Mario Kart and we're laughing. We're having fun as always. Than I get called, I look at my phone.
It says. Cassidy doesn't even notice.
"I'm going to the toilet." I tell her. She's all into the game so she just nods. When I'm at the hallway I pick up.
*Hey, Elena.*
*Listen. I was wondering if you and Cassidy would like to come over and watch a movie at my place tonight.*
Right, we were going to be friends again. It all still feels a little awkward, but I try not to show that.
*I can come! Cassidy is actually here right now, so I'll ask her. Wait a second.*
I walk over to Cassidy and ask her, but she's still playing so she doesn't hear me. I put the game on pause.
"Hey! What are you doing? I was going to win."
"Cas, Stefan asks if we can come over to watch a movie tonight."
"Yeah, sure."
"Okay, I'll tell him."
*Yeah, hii*
*Cassidy can also come. Is it okay if I bring Masy?*
*Yeah, of course! So see you at 6? We can also eat pizza?*
*Sure! See you tonight.*
I hang up the phone. The first thing that's in my mind is: 'Will Damon be there too?'. And when I sit down next to Cassidy, the first thing she says is: "So, will the brother be there too?"
I instantly feel nervous. And I don't even know if he'll be there.

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