A lot of time

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Damon brought me home last night. My dad looked happy to see him. I'm glad my dad still likes him. I'm having lunch with my dad and my sister. Jamillah and Kheila went to the stores to pick up some groceries. It's nice to just have my dad and sister around for a second.
The bell rings and Rose immediately runs to the door. I can see that she missed me, dad says she's much happier since I'm back.
"Elena, it's for you!"
I look at dad, who's that? I walk to the door and already see Damon standing there. Rose runs back inside.
"I wanted to see you."
I blush.
"You look beautiful."
"Damon, stop it!"
"I can't. You're making me feel so..."
He picks my lips. I can feel dad staring at us and it makes me feel uncomfortable.
"Can I take you somewhere?"
"Uhhh, yeah, I guess." I'm looking at dad. Is he okay with that? He seems to be fine with it, I know he can hear us.
"Okay, we can go to the restaurant, the beach restaurant?"
"Yeah. Okay." I grab my purse and we leave. While driving there we both don't say a lot. I can feel that Damon is nervous, though I don't know what for. I'm glad when we arrive at the restaurant and he takes my hand while walking in. At least I know he's not breaking up with me. We sit down at the same table we sat last time. Damon made it all very romantic, he probably asked the restaurant to make it special. It worked, but I still wonder what all of this is for. We ordered our food and Damon is staring at me.
"What are you doing?" I laugh.
He just keeps staring.
"Elena I had some time to think about a lot of things."
What is he going to say?
"I still think it's a little bit early in our lives, but I want you to know that I really do like kids, not just to work with them, and it made me realise something."
"Damon, that's not why I left. I would never leave you for that. If you don't want kids, than I have to find a way to live with that."
"No, Elena. That's what I was going to say. I do want kids, with you. I think that together we can make it work."
"Are you really sure? Like, really?"
"Yes. I am."
I smile bright, this makes me so happy.
"But wait, obviously I don't want kids right now. I'm still too young for that."
"We can wait for a few more years. But we can do the progress still, just not with the purpose."
I laugh.
"Yeah, I can't wait years for that."
I kiss him and it's a beautiful night.

And a beautiful next 5 years. Everything's back to normal. I went to college, but just close to home this time, and I graduated. Now I have a job as a history teacher in a town next to ours. I work 3 days in a week. Damon and I are living together, in his house. Cassidy's and Stefan's baby is not a baby anymore, she's now 4 and she's beautiful. Her name is Allison, I love her so much. Damon and I are trying to get pregnant, but so far we didn't have luck yet... I'm really sad about this, we've been trying for a while now. It makes me worried. It's my day off today, I'm sitting on the couch and Damon comes back from work.
"Hey sexy-ass, did you do that pregnancy test today?"
He drops his bag and kisses my forehead.
He comes over to me and lifts up my chin.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. We can do this, we'll just keep trying. I don't mind."
He smirks. I still don't smile, even though I think it's a little funny.
"Or we can just get a dog."
Now I laugh softly.
"I'm just saying. It doesn't have a hurry, does it?"
"Okay, now let's try again."
He takes me to the bedroom.
The next morning when I wake up I'm still worried. I'm making Damon coffee and a sandwich to take to his work. He comes downstairs and kisses me softly.
"Thankyou beautiful. I'll see you at 4, okay?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay."
He strokes my hair behind my ear.
"I love you. Call me if something is wrong. Bye, honey."
He gives me a last quick kiss and than leaves.
Obviously I'm not okay. I'm starting to actually believe that me, or Damon, can't have kids and that that's why we can't get pregnant. I called the doctor last night when Damon was already asleep, and I have an appointment today. The doctor does some tests on me and I will get the results in a few days. These days are the worst, I don't know how to behave to Damon and I can't stop thinking about the results. I'm messing up everything at work. I feel exhausted. Than I drive to the doctor, today I'll get the results. I sit down, very nervous, and wait until the doctor starts talking. I don't know how to read her face. She's a professional.
"Okay, so, Elena. The results showed us something. Something is wrong-"
I feel dizzy after she says this and don't hear a lot more, only a few more things, and it's not good. I drive home, but I'm not actually here. When I get home I lay down on the couch and wait for Damon. When he comes in he lays down next to me. I need to tell him right now, or I won't be able to.
"Damon, there's something wrong with me."
"Yeah, obviously, you're in love with me."
He smirks. I get up and sit.
"I'm serious Damon."
He turns to me with his serious look.
"I went to the doctors, because I was worried..."
He keeps looking at me.
"And they told me I can't have kids. Well, there is this really tiny chance that I can, but I shouldn't have hope."
He's quiet, than he gently takes me in his arms.
"Baby, look at me." I don't, because I'm starting to cry. He brushes his hand against my cheek and kisses my forehead.
"We'll figure something out."
We lay on the couch, all cuddled up.
"Can you sing to me please?"
"Yeah, of course."
I always get calm when he sings to me.
"When I look into your eyes..."
I crawl deeper into his arms.
"I won't give up, on us..."
That's how I fall asleep.

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