That's weird

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It's 3am and I'm lying awake in my bed, I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about Damon and what I could've told him that night when I was drunk. I need to talk to him, I just need to. I have to ask Stefan for his phone number, but that's also weird right? Because what do I say? I decide to try to get some sleep anyway, but after another hour I just take my phone and send Stefan a text:
*Hey Stefan, can I maybe get your brother's phone number? I need to talk to him.*
It's 4am so I don't expect him to text right back. I put my phone away and search for my book. But than I get a text back.
*He doesn't have a phone.*
Who the hell doesn't have a phone?
*Oh, okay.*
It takes 15 minutes before I get a text back.
*But you can just come over by the house tomorrow?*
Didn't Stefan say that he was going to play tennis with some of the boys from camp tomorrow? Well, whatever.
*Okay, sure. I'll see you tomorrow.*
*See you*
Maybe now I can get some sleep, I put my phone away and fall asleep real quick.

I wake up, it's 10am, at least I got some sleep. I make myself ready to go outside and take Masy for a walk. When we get back I eat something and than I get ready to go to Stefan's place. For some reason I feel nervous. I get in my car and drive to his house, it's still unbelievable that he lives here. I park my car and walk to the door, when I knock the door immediately opens, like he was waiting for me behind the door, except it's not Stefan, but it's Damon.
"Oh, hii." I say, scared to really look him in the eyes, so I'm looking at the ground.
"Hii." He says. "Come in."
I walk past him and feel him staring at me.
"Stefan told me I could come over today." I don't know how to say that I wanted to come for him.
"Yeah, about that." He looks at me and smiles.
"That wasn't Stefan actually, he left his phone downstairs and I was still awake, so actually I invited you here today. And I do have a phone, but I guess I just wanted to be funny or so."
I look at him and don't know what to say.
"Oh." That's all that comes out. He laughs.
"You really believed that I didn't have a phone?"
"Well, I thought it was weird but I don't know, could be, right?"
"Who the hell doesn't have a phone?"
Woah, I think, that's exactly what I thought last night. I laugh. He's looking at me.
"So, you wanted to talk?"
Shit, I needed to be prepared for this, now I don't know what to say.
"Yeah, uhm, I mean, you know, about that night."
We sit down. He comes close.
"You mean when you were drunk and I saved you like a real hero?"
"Yeah, that one." I feel embarrassed.
"Well, what do you wanna know?"
I look at him while I'm moving my leg like I do when I'm nervous.
"I kinda want to know, like, you know..." How do I say this?
"If you said or did anything weird?"
He smiles at me, it's cute.
"Besides that you told me that you were there to just get drunk and didn't know what was happening, and called me Damian all the time, nothing weird happened. I just took you away from that bar and made sure you got home safe."
"See, that wasn't so bad, right?"
He's smiling at me, still. His eyes are so blue and I feel like I can't get my eyes of them. I just smile back.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
I leave.

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