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Damon left. He said he had to be somewhere. I didn't ask any further, I didn't feel like he wanted to tell me. I look at my phone and see 3 missed calls from Cassidy. She really wants to know how it went. I call her.
*Okay, what did he say?*
*You were right, he couldn't sleep because he was thinking about me.*
*That's good, but you don't sound too happy, what else did he say?*
*I'm not sure if I should tell you, but he doesn't want to tell it to Stefan yet. Just for a while.*
*He what? So, like a secret? What are you, twelve?*
*And you agreed to this, because?*
*I don't know, I guess I just want him to like me.*
*But you should be honest with him. This is stupid, Stefan will find out.*
*You won't tell him, right?*
*No, that's up to you. But I think it's stupid what you're doing. If he really likes you, he wouldn't keep it a secret.*
I don't know what to say. What she says is true, but he does like me, right? My mood's turned.
*Listen, Cas, I have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?*
*Yes, we'll talk. Love you*
*Love you too*
There are so many thoughts running through my mind. What Cassidy says sounds so real, but the feelings between Damon and me, they're real too. I'll just see how this goes.
I go out to take Masy for a walk when I get called by Stefan, speaking of a person I don't want to talk to right now... I pick up anyways.
*Are you free tonight? I just asked Cas to come over and play some pool. Do you want to come too?*
*Uhm, yeah, sure*
That's going to be so awkward...
*Great! See you at 8.*
I keep walking with Masy. I don't know how to feel about tonight, how am I going to behave? Ugh. I spent the day watching movies. I eat a pizza for dinner and than it's time to go.
I knock the door and Stefan opens. I didn't hear anything from Damon, I don't actually know if he'll be there. Cassidy is already there. Stefan gives me a glass of water, he doesn't even have to ask anymore, he just knows I always drink water.
"Okay, how will we play? The two of you against me?"
"What about I'll join?" Damon's walking in. I look at him and he smiles at me.
"Is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure. But I'm in a team with Cassidy, Elena's too bad for me." Stefan says. They all laugh, so I laugh with them, but as I said, I don't know how to behave. We start playing, and I'm actually really bad, I hit everything wrong.
"Damon, Elena needs some help, don't you see that. You're a team."
I look at her, what is she doing? Damon's looking at me.
"Do you need help?"
"No, I'm okay."
I hit another ball, and it goes wrong again. They laugh, but we play further. Damon and I lose the game, of course, because I was so bad.
"Well, you two definitely should get better if you want to be partners."
I look at her, annoyed. Does she think she's funny? Making all those comments, trying to make it obvious. She just smiles. Damon looks at me with the face that says 'I don't know what's going on'. I text him. I can't take him apart, so I text him.
*I'm sorry.*
*She knows?*
*Yes, but I didn't think she would try to tell Stefan.*
I don't get another text. But he nods at me. I text Cas.
*Can you please not do that?*
*I'm just making jokes. Doesn't your man like it?*
*Just stop it, thank you.*
The rest of the night we play some other rounds of pool and Cassidy doesn't make jokes like that again. Stefan doesn't seem to notice anything. It's still really awkward and I'm glad when I can get away.
"It was nice seeing you tonight, Elena." Damon says when I leave. I smile. I just want to hug him, and hold his hand. But instead I leave.

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