It's better

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I walk downstairs. I don't know what to say so I just sit down on the couch. I just realised how worried they must've been. I would've been worried too if they were suddenly gone and no one knew where they are, but it just felt like such a good idea at the moment. Stefan doesn't look at me, but Damon does, again his blue eyes that make me feel like I'm in another world. The three of us don't say anything for like a minute, but than I feel that I should be the one to say something first.
"I'm sorry that I scared you like this. It wasn't my intention."
They both look at me.
"So what was your intention?" Damon asks.
I shrug.
"Elena, you can tell us." Stefan says.
"I honestly don't even know. I just wanted to be alone for one night and now it's all dramatic." I am kind of annoyed. Why are they so over protective? It looks like they don't know what to say. Damon stands up.
"Just, next time, let someone know. Doesn't have to be me or Stefan, Cas is also okay."
I just nod. Damon walks out. Why is he leaving me here with Stefan? Stefan's coming closer.
"Are you really okay?"
There's an awkward silence.
"Elena, I'm sorry if I scared you by telling you what I did a few days ago."
I have no idea what to say. I'm not prepared for this conversation.
"Yeah, I mean, I kind of didn't really expect it or so."
Most stupid thing to say...
"I understand."
I look at him. Do you really? I think. I don't even really understand it myself. You're so cute and so sweet and still I don't like you like that. But I don't say all this, it would only make it harder.
"Listen, Elena, I still want to be friends if you want to. You and Cassidy are the best friends I've had in a long time. I don't want to lose that."
You really do? But I hurt you. How can you not hate me? But again, I don't say that.
"You really do? Because that's all I want right now!"
While I say this thoughts are running through my head. I hope it's not gonna be awkward, and what about me and Damon? But I do want Stefan to be my friend. He's been such a good friend to me.
"I do. And I think I can do this. If it gets weird, just say it!"
I smile. Than I give him a hug.
"Thankyou, Stef."
He smiles. Than he leaves.
I'm being called, it's Cassidy.
*Hey stupid, Damon told me you were back. Never do that ever again, I was so worried!*
At least she's not asking any questions.
*I'm sorry. I won't. Love you*
*Love you too, sweetie. See you later? Enjoy yourself tonight.*
What does she mean with 'enjoy yourself tonight?'
*Uhm, thanks. You too.* I just say. We hang up the phone.
Someone is knocking on the door. I open it, it's Damon. I thought he left already?
He laughs.
"Not happy to see me?"
"No, it's not that. Just didn't expect to see you again today."
"Well, I wanted to ask you something."
Another question, ugh...
"Do you make want to have dinner with me tonight? I know a good restaurant, it's not far out of town. I can drive. If you want of course."
He sounds nervous. Does he mean like a date? Or just as friends?
"Uhm, yes. Right now?"
"Whenever you're ready."
Now I am really nervous. I'm never ready for this.
"Uhm, okay. Let me grab my bag."
I go inside, grab my bag and pet Masy. Than I leave with Damon. Still not knowing what this dinner means.

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