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It's the next day and I'm driving to Damon's and Stefan's place. Damon and I agreed to tell him right now. I'm a little nervous, but mostly relieved that we're finally telling him and it doesn't have to be a secret anymore. I knock the door and Stefan opens.
"Hey! What are you doing here? I didn't ask you to come over?"
"I did." Damon shows up behind him.
I walk inside.
"We were actually going to tell you something."
"Well, that sounds serious. What do you want to tell me?"
I look at Damon and he nods. Than I look at Stefan.
"We're a couple." I didn't know what words to use, so I think these make it pretty clear. At first he doesn't say anything, but than he starts walking to the door and says: "Yeah, I kinda already thought so. It was kinda obvious that you were gone so much and that last time when we watched a movie I already suspected something. I'm happy for you guys, but listen, Cassidy was actually coming over, so do you mind if I ask you to leave?"
I'm not sure what to think of this reaction, but Damon hugs him and says thankyou, than he grabs my hand and we leave. I'm happy for Damon that Stefan told he was happy for us, but something about his reaction didn't seem right. Well, I'll find out later, I hope. I turn to Damon.
"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
"I don't exactly know how to feel, but I'm glad we told him. Now I can just do this."
Damon kisses me and lays his hands on my face. I kiss him back and I smile.
"Did you know that Cas was coming today?" He asks when we step in the car.
"No, she didn't tell me. I'll definitely call her later today and ask her what this is all about. I told you Stefan really liked her."
"Yeah, probably."
I kiss his cheek. I love him, but I feel like I can't say it yet, so I don't. We drive home and when we arrive we go upstairs to my room. We lay down on the bed and I turn my tv on. Nothing's happening, I swear. We just watch tv and talk, and cuddle a little. Than I hear something downstairs, and it's not Masy, because she's right here in my room. It sounds like the door is opening. I look at Damon, a little afraid, first thought 'is it a burglar'?'. Than Damon whispers: "When were your father and stepmother coming home again?"
Shit! I totally forgot. Oh my god, they can't know I have him up here in my room. I'm stressing out.
"Uhm, stay here. Be quiet, please."
I run downstairs, Damon's just laughing, like this is funny. I see Rose.
"Hii sis!" I say. I walk over to her.
"Hey!" She hugs me. After that she immediately runs upstairs with her suitcase. My heart's pounding, I hope Damon doesn't make a sound. But he does, the bed cracks and I hear Rose open the door, she must think it's Masy. Than dad and Kheila come in. I quickly give them a kiss, but I already overheard the conversation from upstairs. I run to my room as fast as I can.
"Oh, hii." I hear Damon say, he sounds a little shocked.
"Uhm, h-hi?" Rose says.
I come upstairs and see them looking at each other. Than Rose turns to me.
"Elena, who's that man that's sitting on your bed?" She whispers. I close the door. I look at Damon with big eyes. Damon walks over to Rose.
"Hii Rose, my name is Damon." They shake hands. Rose just looks at him. It seems like dad doesn't hear anything, because he stays downstairs, I hear him talking to Masy. I turn to Rose.
"Do you think you can not tell dad? Just for a while?"
"Uhm, sure." She still looks shocked, she doesn't know what's happening, of course.
"Thankyou, little Rosie!" We hug. I kind of am so lucky with my sister. Than Rose goes to her room and I walk over to Damon. I sigh and lay myself down on my bed, next to Damon. He lays down too and looks at me. He laughs. I look at him.
"Don't laugh, that was not funny!"
He tries to make a serious face, but it ends up in laughing anyway.
"I actually thought it was kinda really funny." He says with a smirk.
"Damon! I don't want my dad to think weird things about me."
"Weird things. Do you mean I'm a weird thing?"
"No, silly. You know what I mean..."
"Oh, you mean, that I'm an old guy?"
I slap his arm and laugh.
"Now you're just trying to make fun of me."
He looks me in the eyes.
"So you don't want your dad to know about me? I thought you didn't want to keep it a secret."
"I do, and I don't. I just don't want him to find out in this way. I want you two to properly meet."
"Oh, that's it."
"Yeah, that's it."
He takes my hand and gives me a look. My stomach's flipping around.
"Okay, but you gotta leave now. And they can not see you."
"And how am I going to do that?"
"I don't know, just climb out of the window or so, like in movies. But be quick, dad's probably going to come up here real soon."
"You want me to climb out of the window?"
"Yes! Now go. I'm sure you can do it."
"You're being serious. Okay, but just let me do this first."
He kisses me, I kiss him back, but than I push him away.
"Seriously Damon, leave."
He climbs out of the window and I go downstairs to help dad unpacking. That was so crazy.

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