Bad and good things

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Damon and I have been through a lot, and we still are, but we're fighting. It's a year later now, and I'm still not pregnant. We decided that we could also adopt.
It's Thursday night, 8pm. Damon and I just ate dinner.
"Hey baby, are you still okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay."
He's holding me in his arms.
"Thankyou. For holding me up."
"Don't thank me. I just love you."
He kisses my forehead.
5 weeks later, at the exact same time I get called by the police.
"Elena Gilbert?"
"Uhm, yes."
"Your partner has just been taken to the hospital. He had an accident at work. We need you to stay calm and come here as quick as possible."
I hang up the phone, how can I stay calm? I grab my car keys and speed to the hospital. When I arrive I run in and ask the first person I see for help. She tries to calm me down, but I need to know what happened and how bad it is. I see Deborah and I run up to her.
"What happened?" I'm keeping my tears in.
"Elena, come with me. Sit down."
"No, just tell me what happened!"
"Damon had an incident with one of his clients. It was a boy, 14 years old, he got aggressive and grabbed a knife. He stabbed Damon twice, in his arm and in his stomach before someone could come and get the boy away. He's now in surgery. We don't know how bad it is, but he was still conscious when we brought him here."
I'm crying, my Damon has been stabbed. Deborah hugs me. Than I see Stefan and Cassidy walking in. I walk over to them and tell them exactly what Deborah told me. Together we wait. It takes some hours, but it feels like years, when the doctor comes to tell us Damon's out of surgery. I can see him. I'm so relieved. I walk over to his room. The doctor said he's probably going to be fine, but he's very weak and he needs to rest a lot. I walk over to his bed and sit down on a chair next to him. He looks bad, it looks like he has no blood in his face, it's so white and he's covered with sweat. I swallow. He's asleep. He needs to fight.
"Damon, remember when I was in a coma you told me that you needed me? I remember every word you said. I need you Damon, I need you in my life. So I need you to fight and stay with me. I want to grow old with you."
I'm quiet for a moment.
"And this little us inside my belly needs a daddy too." I almost whisper this, because I can't believe this is real. After being told I can't have kids, I'm pregnant. Damon needs to be the first to know.
"It's all I need in life Damon. I love you."
I know he's awake, he tries to open his eyes.
"Just rest now, honey."
I kiss his lips softly while a tear is strolling down my cheek. Than I lay his hand on my stomach. The next day I visit him again, he's awake now. I sit down next to him.
"Elena, I'm not going anywhere."
I smile.
"I know. I just needed to be sure you knew."
I wonder if he actually heard what I told him yesterday. I was up all night, because I couldn't sleep. I wanted to stay in the hospital, but I wasn't allowed to. He sits down on his bed.
"How are you feeling today?"
"Never better."
He looks at my stomach and gives it a kiss, he has heard.
"We did it." He says. A tear is strolling down my cheek, he wipes it away and lays his hand on my face.
"We actually did it, Elena."
He looks me in the eyes. I kiss him. We did it.
A few days later Damon is allowed to go home. When we arrive he lays down on the couch, he still has to rest. I make him coffee and we watch a movie. After that I take a bath, it makes me so calm. I walk to our room and thought Damon would already be there, but he isn't, so I walk downstairs to see if he's there. When I walk down I see candles everywhere in the house. What's this? I keep walking, I feel confused. Than I see Damon standing in the middle of the room, he's smiling bright.
"Damon? What are you doing?"
"Elena. I love you."
He takes my hands in his.
"You once told me you wanted the first person you kissed to be the last person you kissed. I want to make this happen."
I'm still confused, my heart is pounding fast. He takes something out of his pocket, is this what I think it is? Than he looks me in the eyes.
"Elena, will you marry me?"
I feel like I can't breathe. Is this really happening? My body is warm and I'm trying to answer but I can't make a sound, so I just nod really hard and kiss him. He pulls back, smiling.
"I guess that's a yes?"
Now I can talk.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"
He lifts me up and kisses me again. What a beautiful day.

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