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Damon and I are in my room. School's over already, boring and stupid as always. But Damon texted me if it was okay if he'd come over, and of course it was. He's all that makes me happy these days. I know that sounds dramatic, but he really is. I haven't felt like how I feel when I'm with him in a long time. So here we are, enjoying each other's company. I'm telling about my stupid day and Damon's telling about his stupid day. He's just telling me that he received a weird text message from an unknown phone number when he gets called by this number.
"Take it." I say, and nod. He picks up the phone and puts it on speaker.
"Damon?" The person on the other side of the line says.
"Who's this? Deborah?"
"How did you even get my number?"
"I tracked it. Listen, I need to tell you something."
"I shouldn't be talking to you." He looks at me, obviously not knowing what to do with this.
"No, please. Remember when I came to your girlfriend and told her weird things about you? And after that you called and told me I should never do that again or you would call the police. At that point I understood that what I was doing was wrong. I gave myself up for a clinic. I'm out now and I just wanted to apologise. I'm sorry for everything and I hope you can forgive me. I really hope I didn't mess things up between the two of you. I'm trying to make my life better and this is one step."
Damon stays quiet. He looks at me, I think he doesn't know what to say.
"Elena and I are still together. How are you now?"
"I feel better. I finally feel alive again."
"I'm really glad to hear."
I look at him and whisper:
"Maybe you could ask her to meet. I think that would be good for her."
"Are you okay with that?"
"Of course."
"Deborah, maybe we could meet up?"
"You'd want that? I would really like to."
"Is it okay if I bring Elena?"
I look at him.
"Why?" I whisper so Deborah can't hear it.
"We don't know if she's talking crap. It's safer to go together." He whispers back.
"Yeah, sure. Isn't she mad?"
"She's over it."
"That's great."
"Okay, we can text about when and where."
"Okay. Bye."
Damon and I look at each other.
"That was random." Is all I can think of to say.
We decide to text Deborah and ask her if she can meet us tomorrow night, the day after that is my birthday, so it would make no problem.
The next day I go to school, and as usual I'm only thinking about Damon. It might sound cliché and maybe even kind of bad, but he's all I can think of, probably because he just makes me so happy. I'm glad when the day is over. I go home first and make my homework. Than my dad yells upstairs.
"Elena, Damon is here!"
I run downstairs and when I see him standing there talking to my father I smile bright. He looks at me and smiles back, than he takes my hand. My dad doesn't know we're meeting Damon's crazy ex-girlfriend, he just thinks we're going out for dinner.
"Have fun!"
I smile at him and wave. Damon opens the car door for me and lets me get in. We drive to the restaurant where we agreed to meet. When we arrive I see Deborah already standing there. We get out of the car and walk over to her.
"Hey, I'm glad we're doing this." Damon says.
"Me too." Than she turns to me.
"Elena, I just wanted to apologise for what I did."
"It's okay, I'm glad you're doing better now." She smiles, looking thankful.
We order something to drink and to eat. At the beginning it's all a bit awkward, we don't really know how to act. But than Deborah starts a conversation.
"So, this clinic has really helped me a lot. I finally feel like myself again, I haven't felt this way in a long time. I'm also seeing my family again, which makes me really happy. I'm just glad all the weird stuff is over, though it took so much time."
"I'm really happy for you. This is what I wanted for you."
"Yeah, and I wanted to thank you. You know, for not turning me in. It means a lot."
"Of course. I mean, I've been there myself."
Damon really seems happy. He's so sweet. He obviously cares about her, they must have had a real connection somewhere in the past. I'm looking at him and his happiness makes me happy.
"So, what are you doing right now? I mean, where are you staying?" I ask, hoping it doesn't sound rude or something.
"I'm living with my sister at the moment, but I hope it's not for too long. The clinic also helped me find a job, so I'm trying to save money so I can get my own place soon."
"Really? That's so nice! What kind of work is it?"
"Right now I'm just helping kids from the age of 2 to 5, who have no parents, to have a nice time. I really like it."
I look at Damon. He looks back at me and I can see he knows what I mean.
"That sounds so nice! I'm currently looking for a job too and it's not so easy since I don't have papers. I really want to help children to get over something they've been through or are going through. I don't want to be rude asking you this, but do you think there is something for me?"
"Well, I can talk to my boss if you want to. He's really sweet and he does everything for the children. Maybe he can help you?"
"You don't have to do this if it's weird for you."
"I want to! That might be my way to make it up to you."
"Really? Can I just thank you so much already?"
Deborah is smiling bright, it really seems like she wants to do this for him. After we ate our food, we say goodbye. I hug her and tell her it was nice to meet the real her today. She thanks us and than drives off. Damon and I get in the car.
"This is so nice. Maybe you're even going to be colleagues!"
"I really hope it works out."
He's driving, but I come closer to his face and softly kiss his lips and neck.
"Elena, I really want to do this right now, but I should be focusing. We can't get an accident, you're turning 18 tomorrow, you must live." I laugh.
"I love you."
He takes my hand with one of his hands.
"Damon, do you want to sleep at my place tonight?"
He laughs.
"And what about your dad? You think he's going to be okay with that?"
"Maybe if you take the couch."
"Are you serious right now?" He's looking right into my eyes.
"I just want you to be there. I don't like birthdays, but I like you."
I pout.
"Alright than. The couch it is."
When we arrive at my place I'm nervous, because how am I going to ask dad if Damon can stay tonight? I open the door and walk in with Damon. Rose is already asleep.
"Hii dad."
"Hii Elena, Damon! How was dinner?"
"It was great."
"I'm so glad to hear."
We take something to drink and sit down with the three of us.
"My little girl is turning 18 tomorrow, can you believe it?"
He looks so proud. Than he looks at Damon.
"Damon, are you staying the night?"
I can't breathe for a second, did he really just ask that?
"Uhm, yeah, I can take the couch if that's okay?"
"No, son, why would you take the couch. You're now both adults, I think you know how to act."
I look at Damon, my heart's beating fast, I never expected this.

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