Jet Set

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It's been 6 months since I started working at Laface things have been going smoothly Kenny has been the best boss he has something most boss don't have and that's being patient with his employees he's very humble and that's what I like about him.

~Laface Records~

Janet: Good Morning Toni

Toni: Good Morning

Janet: So how are you liking your job?

Toni: Im enjoying it

Janet: Thats good I enjoy working for L.A he's great but sometimes he takes things too far with the sexual comments

Toni: Ok I will keep that in mind

Janet: All you have to do is have a thick skin he won't bother you

Toni: Ok I have a question, Who worked for Kenny before me?

Janet: His fiancé Tracey

Toni: Hes married?

Janet: No not yet at least they are supposed to get married in May

Toni: He never mentioned a fiancé

Janet: Hes very private he tries to keep the media out of his private life

Toni: I'm that way too I'm a private person too especially about my private life if I had one lol

Janet: You don't have a boyfriend or husband?

Toni: No I'm a preachers kid I didn't do much dating until I was in college and even then I kept it to one boyfriend who I lost my virginity to

Janet: Well we are going to fix that problem

Toni: What? No I don't have time

Janet:Stop being so shy

~ As Janet said that she was called into the studio by Babyface~

Toni: We will talk later I have to go

Janet: Ok


Toni: Yes Kenny

Babyface: I have to go to LA and I need you to come with me

Toni: What? Umm Ok

Babyface: Make the reservations at the Beverly Hills Hilton and rent a Mercedes black on black

Toni:Ok anything else

Babyface: No that will be all and we need to leave tomorrow

Toni: May I ask why are we going to LA?

Babyface: Im looking for new artist and a new house

Toni: And you think I can help you with house hunting?

Babyface: Yes I like the way you designed your home you have good taste and class

Toni: Thank you but shouldn't your fiancé be doing this

Babyface: We split last month

Toni: Im sorry to hear that

Babyface: Its Ok I loved her but I wasn't in love with her

Toni: Oh I see well I'm going to go make those reservations


Janet: So you are going to LA with Kenny?

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