Toni Braxton pt.1

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After the party last night I stayed with Kenny to help him clean up, after we cleaned up Kenny wanted to watch a few movies I fell asleep on his lap watching Star Wars I woke up in his arms in his bed which felt comfortable but I had to check my phone Janet called about 50 times along with my sisters I look at the clock to see it's 8:30 so I wake Kenny up

Toni: Kenny wake up

Babyface: What? No 10 more minutes

Toni: Kenny we have to be at work in 30 mintues

Babyface:Ok ok I'm up Good Morning beautiful

Toni: Good Morning Handsome

Babyface: You are glowing do you always look like this ?

Toni: Lol yes

Babyface: I'm going to hop in the shower

Toni: I'm going home to change I will meet you at work

Babyface:Ok see you soon

As I was leaving Kenny said something that made me stop before walking out the door

Babyface: I love you

Toni: Kenny did you just say -

Babyface: Yes I did Toni I have strong feelings for you and you don't have to say anything right now just think about it

Toni: ( Smiling) Ok I'm going home it's almost time for work

Babyface: Ok ( hugs and kisses her)

Toni calls Janet from her car

Janet: Hello ?

Toni: Hey it's me

Janet: Girl what happened to you last night ? What is going on?

Toni: Ok promise not to tell

Janet: Im your best friend what is it

Toni: Kenny and I are dating !

Janet: What no are you serious?

Toni: Yes I'm serious and this morning before I walked out the door he said he loved me

Janet: Wait what? Are you hearing yourself Toni you are in love with your boss

Toni: I guess I am I never met anyone like him

Janet: Oh come on Mr Tender Lover?

Toni: Yes! yes! Yes! It's something special about him

Janet: I heard hes a freak and with you being a Libra you are going to be pregnant soon

Toni:No its too soon we are going to take things slow and see what happens

Janet: Ok you will see anyway I'm excited and happy for you

Toni: Thank You I will see you soon

Janet: Ok dont forget we have lunch at 12 today

Toni: thanks for reminding me bye

Laface Records

Babyface: Good Morning everyone as you know Toni has joined our musical family as first lady of Laface we are going to start working on her debut album with the help of LA and everyone we can make her into the Multi Millionaire that we all know she can be it's going to be a busy 6 months but we can do it!
Let's wish her luck and let's get started( everyone claps as Babyface Winks Toni ) Toni can I see you in my office please

Toni: Thanks everyone and I promise I won't be a diva I'm looking forward to working together, sure Kenny

As Toni walks into Kenny 's office she see Janet give her this funny look and smile like she knew something was going to happen.(Toni mouth to Janet to Stop! Shhhh! )

Babyface walks into his office Toni behind him

Toni: Yes Kenny ?

Babyface: Close the door behind you please

As Toni turns around Kenny leans in to kiss Toni

Toni: Mmm what was that for ?

Babyface: I forgot give you that this morning

Toni: ( his lips make me melt) thank you I needed that I'm a little nervous going into the studio today

Babyface: You don't have to worry about being nervous I'm going to be right by your side through everything

Toni: And LA?

Babyface: Lol you will be fine you will learn to love him he acts like a big brother

Toni: Ok

Babyface: Are you excited?

Toni: Yes I can't wait to see how the world reacts me

Babyface: They are going to love your unique voice its like you are Anita Baker's sister

Toni: I love her she's the reason I became interested in the music industry along with other artists that matched my voice

Babyface: Well let's get started

Toni:Wait before we start there is something I want to ask you

Babyface:What is it?

Toni: This morning when you said you love me did you mean that you love me or in love with me ?

Babyface: From the first day you walked into my office I knew I had to get to know you and one day make you Mrs Toni Braxton-Edmonds  I love everything about you so yes I'm in love with you so I would say both

Toni bites her lips as Babyface looks into her eyes slightly kissing her lips Toni exhale slowly

Babyface: Does that answers your question

Toni:(clears throat) umm yes  it answered alot, this morning I wasn't sure what to say cause I was scared

Babyface: You don't have to be scared with me im not gonna break your heart

Toni: You promise?

Babyface: I promise all I want to focus on is you and making you the superstar I know that will touch many hearts like you have done with me

Toni: ( smiles) you are so sweet

Babyface: and so are you let's go LA is waiting

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