Love Affair

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Kenny and I been going to marriage counseling and working things out with Nicole for Kendal sake, because at the end of the day we are family it not his fault how things happened. Kenny is working hard to show me and Peyton he can be the husband and father I need him to be, We celebrated Peyton birthday I invited Nicole and Kendal being the bigger person in this situation Kenny says all he wants is all of us to be one big happy family,I agree life is too short it's time to move on ...

Toni was putting the finishing touches on her album at Laface when Babyface put up his finger

Toni: No Ken don't do this lol

Babyface: Remember when you first started you knew what this meant

Toni: Yes how can I forget? That means we have to start over because there is something wrong with my Tone

Babyface: Yes that's true but this time I'm only asking what do you want for lunch? Lol

Toni: Its lunch time already? How long have we been working?

Babyface: Yes it's 12:00 and we have been working for 4hrs

Toni: Im really not that hungry but because it's your turn to pay I will take you up on your offer

Babyface: Ha Ha Ha funny so where would you like to go?

Toni: I don't know you can pick the place

Babyface: Ok we will go to the bistro around the corner they have soup, salad, sandwiches and the best chocolate chip cookies

Toni: So you have been there before?

Babyface: Yes it's a favorite of my mother she use to take me there when I was a kid I haven't been there since she passed away

Toni: Ok let's go what's their specialty?

Babyface: The club with turkey,ham,roast beef,bacon, lettuce, tomato with sharp cheddar cheese,French,pickles ,mayo and spicy mustard,slightly toasted on croissant bread

Toni: Sounds yummy

Babyface and Toni leave to got to lunch a few fans greeted them at the door as they go in, they sit at the table Babyface and his mother use to sit at

Toni:Im glad you brought me here it's beautiful

Babyface: Its a lot of love here

Host: Order Up! Ticket 410!

Toni: Mmmm this taste amazing

Babyface: Yes it does it's just how I remember

As Toni and Babyface was enjoying lunch Toni loois behind Babyface to see a familiar face

Babyface: Tone, what's wrong you look like you have seen a ghost or something

Toni: Oh it's umm it's nothing I'm fine

Babyface: Are you sure?

Toni: Yea I'm need to go to the restroom

Babyface: Ok

As Toni walked down the hall to the restroom she feels someone grab her waist,Toni gasp as the person puts their hand over her mouth

??: Listen I'm gonna take my hand off of your mouth just don't scream

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