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As Janet was telling me what happen to her and LA I was lost for words, as we walked into his room he was hooked up to all these tubes I was not prepared for this. As Toni looked on I had to console her she was hurt as much as I was but I held my feelings inside.

Janet: I cant believe this happen,all I remember was we were driving home from dinner and a truck slammed into us hitting us on the diver side

Toni: Are you Ok?

Janet: Yea Im a little sore they wanted to put my arm in a sling but I will be fine right now I'm worried if he's going to make it

Toni: Teust me everything is going to be fine Northside is the best hospital

Janet: Thanks for being here,im so nervous

Toni: Thats what I'm here for  ( hugging her)

Babyface: Have you heard from the doctor?

Janet: Yea he says he will know more tomorrow

Babyface: Ok  Im going to stay here with him until 7, Janet you should go get some rest

Janet: I can't sleep at a time like this

Toni: Dont worry you will be fine we can go to my place and you can stay with me until Kenny finds out something

Janet: Ok

Babyface: Tone I will call you if anything changes

Toni: Ok love you

Babyface: I love you too
Janet: Where are we going I thought your house was on Glendale ?

Toni: We are going to Kenny's

Janet: Wait! What? When did you move in with Kenny ?

Toni: I haven't decided yet, don't get me wrong he's a good guy and I do love him but I feel things are moving a little fast

Janet: I understand but if I was you I would let everything flow naturally and see what happens

Toni: So far things have been like a dream come true I don't want this to be a mistake

Janet: Trust me you are not making a mistake from what I hear

Toni: What have you heard?

Janet:Oh nothing bad he loves you he really does and one day wants to marry you

Toni: What? marriage?

Janet: Yes marriage

( Toni smiles)

Toni: Ok we are here

Janet: Kenny has a really big house

Toni: Yea it is, it has a studio downstairs 5 bedroom 6 baths let me show you the guest room

Janet: Its beautiful I'm going to rest a bit call me if something changes

Toni: Ok Im going to cook dinner

3hrs Babyface call Toni

Toni: Hey what's wrong ?

Babyface: Everything is fine the doctor came in and said he's responding to the meds and they are going to wake him up sooon

Toni: Thats good news so how long are they going to keep him

Babyface: 2 more weeks

Toni: Ok Im going to go tell Janet

Babyface: Ok see you soon

Toni: I love you

Babyface: love you too

Toni goes upstairs to wake Janet up to tell her the good news

Janet: Mmm this food is good how did you learn to cook like this

Toni:My mom

Janet: She taught you well

Toni: Thank You

After dinner they return back to the hospital

Babyface: Hes awake now Jan he's been asking for you

Janet: Thanks Kenny,thanks Toni ( hugging her) I will let you know when he home

Babyface: Ok talk to you later

Toni: Ken I cooked dinner let's give them some time I need to talk to you about something

Babyface: Good cause I'm starving let's go home

Toni: Speaking of home, yes I will move in with you

Babyface kiss Toni

Toni is very special to me I hope after we debut her album and tour we can tell our family and fans we are dating I'm not going to rush an engagement but I ready know I want her to be Mrs Edmonds


Babyface: Mmm baby this food is good

Toni: Thank You

Babyface: How did you know Spaghetti was my favorite

Toni: I didn't but I'm glad I know now

Babyface: And I assume your mom taught you too?

Toni: Yes I'm the oldest of 6 so she taught me a lot before everyone else came along

Babyface: I have to meet her soon, my mom had nothing but boys and she taught us a lot my father passed when I was younger

Toni:Oh I'm sorry to hear that

Babyface:Its ok you are going to love her shes sweet

Toni: I can't wait

Babyface: Im glad LA is ok

Toni:Me too Janet was shook up she was talking in her sleep I was worried about her but I know it's normal for that to happen.

Babyface: Yea they are going to be fine he will be back to work in no time

Toni : Im excited for this new chapter

Babyface: I'm going to get some rest it's been a long day

Toni: Me too

After they put up dinner Babyface picks up Toni carrying her upstairs to their bedroom

Babyface: I love you

Toni: I love you too,good night ( kissing him )

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