Birthday Bliss

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Today is Toni's birthday and I have the perfect gift for her, she deserves it especially after the success of her album . I'm so proud of Toni she worked so hard she has learned to be a perfectionist with her style and her class there is no one else like her

Babyface: Good  Morning birthday girl ( kissing her )

Toni: Mmm Good Morning

Babyface: How do you feel?

Toni: I feel good I have accomplished more than most people would in years I never thought it would be like this

Babyface: Well today it's all about you  first I'm going to treat you to breakfast by me

Toni: Mmm can't wait to see what you make

Babyface: Then I'm sending you to the Spa to relax

Toni: Thanks I could use some relaxation

Babyface: Anything for you,I'm going downstairs to cook breakfast

Toni: Im going to shower while you cook

Babyface: I have already taken care of that I ran you a hot bubble bath enjoy

{ Toni walks into the bathroom seeing rose petals and candles all over with a mimosa waiting for her}

45 mintues later

Toni: Mm everythinng is delicious thank you for breakfast in bed and the bubble bath

Babyface: You are welcomeEnjoy your day I have some errands to run ( Kissing her lips) I love you

Toni: I love you too

Island Breeze Spa and Nails

Front Desk: Hi welcome to Island Breeze how may I help you?

Toni: Yes my hus- I mean my boyfriend made reservations for me it's my birthday

Front Desk: Happy Birthday, can I have both names please

Toni: Yes the reservation would be under Kenny Edmonds and my name is Toni Braxton

Front Desk: Ah yes I see he said to take you to your private room

Toni: Private Room?

Front Desk: Yes it's for our VIP  Members follow me right this way

{ Toni was in awe of the room }

Toni: Omg all this for me?

Front Desk: Yes Mr Edmonds wanted everything to be perfect for you

{ Babyface had the room covered in roses and candles with a whiterobe with Toni's initials  TB  and Champagne }

Front Desk: Mr Edmonds also left you a envelope

Toni: Thank You

Happy Birthday baby get whatever you want I have also enclosed amex black card for you to go shopping later but whatever you want cause today  is a special day my angel I love you more than you know see you later
❤️ Kenny

{ He's so sweet}

Masseuse: Hi Ms Braxton my name is Tiffany I will be taking care of you today where should we start?

Toni: We can start with a facial first then the hot oil massage and after the mani and pedi

Masseuse: Ok great let's get started

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