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Kendal is 8 months now Toni still doesn't know I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this secret, the older he gets the more he looks like me I know I need to tell her but I'm not sure how she's going to take it with the recent death of her grandmother, she was really close to her she was like a 2nd mother to Toni. As I walk into our bedroom I see Toni sitting on the floor going through a old box

Babyface: Hey baby are you ok?

Toni: Yea I will be it's just going to take some time

Babyface: Do you need me to do anything for you?

Toni: Could you take Peyton over to Nicole's and then you can help me plan the funeral

Babyface: Yea sure whatever you need me to do

Toni: Her bag is already packed and tell Nicole thank you

Babyface: Ok I will, any thing else?

Toni: No just hurry back as soon as possible

Babyface: Ok,are you going to be ok here by your self

Toni: Yes matter of fact I'm going to lay down and take a nap until you get back

Babyface: Ok ( picking up Peyton)  I love you

Toni: Love you more


Knock! Knock!

Nicole: Hey,come in why didn't you use your key?

Babyface: I couldn't get to it with her in my arms and her bags ( handing Peyton to her)

Nicole: ( hey babygirl how is it going) How is Toni doing ?

Babyface: Shes taking it hard it's like a part of her is gone

Nicole: I understand completely my grandmother rasied me from 6 months old to 13 yrs old and then my mother raised me after she passed away

Babyface: Im sorry to hear that I didn't know, how did you cope ?

Nicole: I know I don't really talk about it much,I was able to heal by going to therapy and writing things out in my diary and in Kendal room I have a picture college hung up by his changing table

Babyface: Speaking of Kendal how is he ?

Nicole: He should be waking up soon from his nap, he miss you

Babyface: Sounds like he's waking up now I will go up and get him while you feed Peyton

Nicole: Ok

As Babyface goes upstairs to get Kendal Nicole hears Babyface talking to him like Dj Kalad talks to Ashad on the baby monitor after 10 mintues he comes down the stairs with Kendal

Nicole: I'm glad you speak positive to h to let him know he can grow up to be anything he dreams to be

Babyface: Oh you heard that?

Nicole: Yea the baby monitor was still on

Babyface: Oh well thanks any way I must get back to Toni she needs me

Nicole:Ok talk to you later( giving him a kiss on the cheek ) give Toni my condolences

Babyface: I will bye Peyton and Kendal Daddy loves you



I returned home it was dark in the, Toni was still sleeping as I go to wake her up I find a bottle of sleeping pills by her hand, I quickly remove the sheets picking her up placing her on the floor starting CPR as I call 911 Toni had no pluse, the operator said it would take the ambulance 5 minutes to get there I continue doing CPR breathing into Toni, I checked for a pulse and kept breathing life into her praying she would make it through, finally the ambulance arrived I was soaked with sweat from working so hard, as they rushed Toni to the hospital I spoke with the police not knowing Toni had left a note on my pillow that was found on the floor it read:

Ken ,
I'm sorry I can't go on like this I'm my heart is broken please take care of Peyton and tell her every day how much I love her, I know it will be hard but be strong for me and for Peyton I want you to marry Nicole and be a family with Kendal so Peyton will have a mother figure in her life and I want you to be happy and live your best life

I love you always


After the police finish asking questions I drive to the hospital and calling family and friends telling them what happen as I wait for the doctor to tell me something about Toni

Doctor: Edmonds family?

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