Why Wont You Love Me

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(Long Chapter)


I felt like the only way to get through the pain is to sing,that's what Kenny said he loved about me I had heart I had pain. These few weeks have been hard but with Janet help and music being my focus it's getting better, I let Kenny see Peyton whenever she wants Janets handles that for me since he is at their house it makes it easier

Home Studio

Darryl: Ok Toni lets go through it one more time

They say that from the looks of it
That you and I probably won't make it
(When I hold your hand)
I know that somewhere
(Deep inside of us)
The love is still there
So they can say what they want to
But I'm not givin' up on love
That's why I'm feeling for a pulse
Because I can feel his breathing
Feel my heart beating
Seems a little weak here
But I know that we can come back to life
I'm feelin' for a pulse
Because I can feel his breathing
Feel my heart beating
Seems a little weak here
But I know that we can come back to life

Darryl: Thats good let's take five and then we will go at it again

Toni: Ok

As I was walking out of the studio Janet came in

Janet: Hey how is it going?

Toni: Its going good I'm almost finished

Janet: Kenny is here

Toni: What? Why? Is something wrong with Peyton?

Janet: Tone! Tone! Calm down it's nothing he just wants to talk to you is it ok if I let him in?

Toni: I don't know if I want to see him right now

Janet: Tone it's been a month as of today and according to L.A. he's really sorry

Toni: Ok I will listen to what he has to say


Babyface: Hey Tone I wanted to talk to you about what's going on between us it's been really hard not waking up to you in the mornings

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Babyface: Hey Tone I wanted to talk to you about what's going on between us it's been really hard not waking up to you in the mornings

Toni: Kenny don't try that with me if you loved me like you said you did we wouldn't be doing this right now

Babyface: I know Toni and I'm sorry I didnt know

Toni: How could you not know, how did you end up sleeping with her?

Babyface: It happen once and that's it we were drunk and it just happened she thought it was Kerri since they had been trying to have a baby so when Kendal was born we took a DNA test to see who was the father we didn't tell anyone

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