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It's morning as the sun shines in my face I wake up to see Kenny still sleeping so I check my phone 5 missed calls 100 text 1000 emails regarding Kenny . So I reply back to them and walk into the other room to call the realtor about the house as I'm standing there I feel some one put their hands over my eyes

Babyface: Guess who up?

Toni: Lol Good Morning Kenny

Babyface: I woke up to the sound of your voice making money moves

Toni: Yea I was closing on the house

Babyface:Did we make a good deal?

Toni: Yes I talked her down to 1.2 million instead of what they were asking for

Babyface: Thats my girl L.A.taught you well he knows about making good on money deals and flipping money

Toni: Speaking of " Your Girl"What was that about yesterday calling me your girlfriend?

Babyface: Well Was hoping we could start dating and see where it leads us, What do you think?

Toni: I normally don't mix business with pleasure but I will think about it

Babyface: Ok I will be waiting in the mean time  I'm going to make breakfast before we catch our flight

Toni: Ok let's get going



( Babyface grabs Toni hand in the car )

Toni: I thought about what u asked me

Babyface: About what?

Toni: You asking me out

Babyface: Are you saying Yes

Toni: Yes Kenny Edmonds I'm officially your girl

Babyface: (kissing her hand) And one day I'm going to change your last name

Toni:Maybe ( smiling)

Babyface walks Toni to her door kissing her on her cheek saying goodnight

~Next Morning~

Janet: Well Good Morning Ms Braxton I see you are glowing tell me what happened

Toni: Nothing ( smiling)

Janet: Girl stop lying you know something happened tell me I promise I won't tell

Toni: Ok! Ok! Let's just say he's not the " Mean Boss" everyone thinks he his

Janet: Oh really how nice is he?

Toni: He took me shopping and to the finest restaurants

Janet: Shut up!

Toni: He was a total gentleman

Janet: Did y'all have sex?

Toni: No I mean almost but only because the hotel screwed up our reservations

Janet: Well did you at least kiss him ?

Toni: A girl never kiss and tell

Janet: Well from the way you are blushing I think you are in love with your boss

~Babyface buzzed for Toni~

Toni: We will finish later

Janet: I will be waiting

Toni: Yes Kenny ?

Babyface: I was talking to L.A and I was telling him how the talent search went and how out of all of the amazing talent I found 3 people

Toni : We saw a lot of great talent come through but Kenny said he would put them only for background singers

L.A.: Do you know why he said that?

Toni : Yes, he over heard me singing and thought it would be a good idea for me to be the first lady of Laface

L.A.: Face can she really sing ?

Babyface: Yes she sounds like the next Anita Baker she's just what we need for Laface

L.A: Ok sing to me

Toni: Like right here,right now?

L.A.: Yea

Babyface: You can do it Tone

~Toni smile at Babyface~

Toni: Ok just give me a minute to warm up

Toni starts to sing Anita Baker ~ Been So Long L.A. Reid is impressed with her vocals doing a hand shake with Babyface letting him know he like what he hear

L.A: Face I agree she does sound like Anita let's start her out with some Demos and then go from there

Babyface: Congratulations Toni you are now Officially the First Lady of Laface Records

Toni: Wait, What? This is going to fast say that again ?

L.A.: One word Multi Millionaire

Toni: Omg I can't believe this I just went from intern to assistant to a New Recording Artist at Laface Records

Babyface: ( hugging her ) and if I do say myself the best I've worked with

Toni: Thank You

Babyface: Let's go to lunch to celebrate

~ Toni Babyface Janet and L.A went to lunch telling Janet and the rest of the staff the good news ~

Babyface: Cheers to Toni!
{ Clink! Clink! Clink!}

Toni:Thank everyone especially Kenny and LA they were the one who saw a special gift that I needed to share to the world

{ Cheers}

~ After Lunch, Its the after Party~

Party at Babyface House

Babyface:So are you enjoying yourself?

Toni: Everyone have been really nice welcoming me to the Laface famiy

Babyface: Good now come dance with me

Toni: What? No I don't dance

Babyface: Its a slow song just follow my lead

Toni does what Babyface ask as they dance to a slow song looking into each other eyes smiling

Toni: We really going to do this ?

Babyface: Yes I want to get to know you

Toni: And I want to get to know the real Kenny Edmonds not just Babyface

Babyface: You will and from what I hear he's quiet a gentleman

Toni: lol ok we will see

~As the song ended Janet got Toni attention~
Toni: Whats wrong?

Janet: You two were looking a little cozy over there

Toni: What? We were just dancing

Janet: Yea right I'm gonna find out what's going on

Toni: I can't talk about it here we will chat later

Janet: Call me later tonight if you can I'm gonna call it a night

Toni: Ok good night

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