The D~Word

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Im pacing the floor as I wait in the lobby so many thoughts are going through my head I have been so stressed lately I can't eat I can't sleep I can't focus when I'm singing in the studio I wish life was easy but it's not as my mother said life is not a fairytale I listened but Kenny promised me I was his everything his world never did I imagine this would happen

Receptionist: Mrs Edmonds, Mr Edward said he's able to see you now his office is down the hall on the right

Toni: Thank You

As I walked down the hall I started to feel like it was taking me forever to get there but finally I did I took a deep breath as I knocked on his door

Mr Edwards : Come In !

As I opened the door his chair was turned Towards the View of the city he had this huge office with elegant taste but all too similar to Kens office at home

Toni: Mr Edwards ?

Mr. Edwards: This view is perfect,wouldn't you agree ? ( Slowly turning around in his chair )

Toni: Yes it's beautiful especially at night

Mr Edwards: But not as beautiful as you Mrs Edmonds ( shaking her hand )

Toni: Thank You,  Mr Edwards

Mr. Edwards: Please Call me Daniel, now we know each other what can I do for you?

Toni: (nervously speaking) Well I was needing your advice or Im thinking about or I don't kn-

Mr Edwards: About getting a divorce?

Toni: I can't believe I'm saying this but yes

Mr Edwards: Well first I would like for you to talk with me a little about your marriage and why are you wanting to get a separation or divorce?

I start to tell Daniel about my marriage to Kenny and why I felt like I couldn't be married to Kenny anymore before we knew it  3 hrs passed and it was 5:00pm the closing of his office

Toni: So do you think I have a case?

Mr Edmonds: Absolutely I cab even make sure he pays you alimony,did you have a prenuptial agreement?

Toni: Yes I did

Mr Edwards: Good We can get started on the paperwork I have them ready by tomorrow

Toni: Really? You make it sound so easy

Mr Edwards: Its easier to file for divorce than it is to get married although there are court fees bu it goes a little easier when you have a prenuptial agreement

Toni: I just  never thought I would be doing this

Mr Edwards: But the question is are you sure that's what you want to do?

Toni: My mind is saying yes but my heart is saying no

Mr Edwards: I understand you have one child with Kenny,a daughter Peyton right?

Toni: Yes she's 1 and Kenny is a good father to her

Mr Edwards: Im asking because if Nicole ever files for child support the money would come from both sides because you are making a little more than Kenny

Toni: I never thought about it like that

Mr Edwards: Im not going to rush you on your decision but we could talk more about it at another time,if that's ok I need to close up my office

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