Meet the Braxtons (1)

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It's been 2 weeks since Toni found out she was pregnant, she's still thinking about having the abortion but hopefully I can talk her out of it. I am planning a surprise that I know she is going to like. Today Im cooking a family dinner inviting Toni family over I'm not sure if she is going to tell them about the baby yet.

Babyface: Good Morning baby how are you feeling?

Toni: Good Morning I feel good so far

Babyface: What would you like for breakfast?

Toni: Im having a craving for Waffles with Nutella and whip cream and strawberries with turkey sausage , with some apple juice or ginerale

Babyface: Anything else ?

Toni: No that's all

Babyface ( mumbles) for now

Toni: What was that?

Babyface: Nothing sweetness
Toni: Mmm thank you this is so good

Babyface: I'm glad you like it

Toni: The baby likes it too

Babyface: Im going to shower up while you finish I have some errands to run

Toni: Dont forget the list for the store

Babyface: And what time did you tell everyone to be here?

Toni: 6:00 on the dot

Babyface: Ok I will be back by 4

Toni: Im going to call Nicole to help me get dress and get things in order here Janet wasn't available

Babyface: Thats good see you in a few

Toni: Love you

Babyface: Love you more
While Nicole is with Toni, Janet is going to be with me helping me with Toni surprise

{Doorbell Rings}

Toni: Hey Nicole

Nicole: Hey how are you feeling, kenny told me you were sick

Toni: Yea I was I'm ok now

Nicole : Good now let's find something to wear and go get a facial

Toni:Ok my closet is upstairs

{Nicole see pics of Toni and Babyface on the wall and how they look like the perfect couple and Toni achievements since the debut of her album walking up the stairs}

Toni: My closet is a mess I haven't been able to organize it yet

Nicole: Oh it's ok I know how it is being so busy

Toni: Sundress or Jeans and T-shirts

Nicole: Sundress

Toni: Yea that would be more comfortable

Nicole:Whats your favorite color?

Toni: I really don't have one since I look good in anything but I guess black will do today

Nicole: Ok while you shower up I'm going to start organizing your closet

Toni:Ok thanks

{ While Toni was showering up Nicole started going through her closet organizing her Dresses and Shoes from light to dark while looking in the mirror trying on a few of her dresses}{ As she heard the shower turn off she got quickly grabbed Toni dress and sandals to wear placing it on the bathroom door}

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