I Need to Know pt. 1

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{Edmonds Home}


As I sit in the nursery putting together the stroller Daniel bought I think about how much things will change if the baby is Daniel's Kenny is going to be heartbroken. Although he told things will not change I know they will who knew the guy I cheated on Kenny with was his brother, I pray this won't change our life forever.

Janet: So let's go down the list to make sure you got everything ready

Toni: Ok

Janet: From the looks of things everything is in order, who designed the nursery for you?

Toni: Believe it or Not Nicole

Janet: Nicole? Really Tone so y'all cool like that now?

Toni: Listen Kenny has asked us to get along for the sake of the children and if it makes the kids happy why not  and beside she offered

Janet: She did do a good job with the baby shower

Toni: Yea she did and from the looks of it she did a good job with the theme I chose

Janet: Ok, if you like it I love it

Toni: Thank You, I wanted the baby to have a calm welcome home environment and this is what she came up with

Toni: Thank You, I wanted the baby to have a calm welcome home environment and this is what she came up with

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Janet: Im gonna go downstairs and make some phone calls to make sure everything is set for the hospital

Toni: Ok I'm gonna finish up here then take a nap


Janet: Hey Kenny, you're home early

Babyface: Yea the artist had to fly to New York for a show and with Toni being home I didn't want to stay too long

Janet: Oh ok good well I just finished talking with the hospital and everything is ready

Babyface: Im glad you're here to help cause I forgot to call,how is Toni doing ?

Janet: She's upstairs sleeping

Babyface: Ok I'm gonna go check on her

Janet: And I will get dinner started don't worry about anything

Babyface: I will be sure to have take out on speed dial

Janet: Ha Ha you got jokes ( throws pillow at him going up the steps)

As Toni is sleeping Babyface slightly touches Toni stomach in circles as he talks to the baby

Toni: Mmm you're home (yawning)

Babyface: Yea my session ended early and I couldn't wait to get home to you and this little guy and Peyton

Toni: He knows your voice he's kicking up a storm

Babyface: I hope he's ready to come out soon I'm ready to meet him

Toni: I was ready a week ago I'm so over this pregnancy already, I feel like he's taking all of my energy

Babyface: He will be here soon ( hears Peyton cry)

Toni: I think she knows too she's been a little fussy today

Babyface: Ok don't worry I got her I'm gonna spend a little daddy daughter time with her she will be fine

Toni: Whats cooking ?

Babyface: I don't know Janet says she's cooking tonight

Toni: Oh God

Babyface: Thats what I said but I'm glad she's here to help

Toni: No Kenny my water just broke

Babyface: Are you sure ?

Toni: YES! Look at the bed

Babyface: Janet!!!

Janet comes rushing up the stairs

Janet: What? What's wrong?

Babyface: Toni water just broke we gotta get to the hospital now

Janet: Ok let me get Peyton and call Ms E to meet us at the hospital

Babyface carries Toni to the truck, as Janet gets Peyton and Toni things and lock up the house

{Emory Hospital}

Toni: I can't believe this is happening so fast

Babyface: I can't either as much as I hate to I'm gonna call Daniel

Toni: Good, he needs to be here

Dr .Jackie walks in

Dr. Jackie: Ok it looks like this is a fast one but he's in trouble so we need to do a emergency C-section now Kenny suit up

Toni: Ken I'm scared

Babyface: I know baby but we have to do what's best for both of you

Toni: I just want him here already

Babyface: Tone I will be right there and before you know it he will be here

Dr. Jackie: Ok let's get you pain free and in the OR

Janet: Dont worry tone I will call the rest of the family you and Kenny don't worry I got Peyton

Babyface: Thanks Janet see you in a few

45 mintues passed and everyone was in the family waiting room including Daniel and Nikki was waiting on Babyface to come out with some news after a hour passed Babyface finally came out of the double doors

Babyface: Hey everyone Ms E and Daniel can I speak to you in private please

Ms E: Whats wrong Kenny ? Did something happen?

Babyface: Toni had some complications it was hard to stop the bleeding and she needed a blood transfusion

Ms E: Oh God no

Babyface: She almost died but they were able to bring her back but she needs her rest

Daniel: And the baby?

Babyface: Hes fine he's healthy weighing 8 pounds 4oz they will bring him out to the nursery soon for you to see him

Ms E: When can we see her ?

Babyface: The doctor said in a few hours

Ms E: Ok I will talk to the family you and Daniel go back and see her first

Babyface and Daniel see baby Edmonds being held up by the nurse

Daniel: He's - He's

Babyface: I know man he's beautiful

Daniel: I know now is not the time to ask but-

Babyface:Its ok we can do it in a few days

Daniel: But for now we are going to focus on Toni and the baby

Babyface: Agreed , I don't know what I would do if I lose Toni

(hugging Daniel crying on his shoulder after over coming with emotion)

Daniel:Its going to be ok we all love Toni she's strong she will get through this

Babyface: I hope so

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