Unexpected Love

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I have been sick for a few days Kenny thinks I have a stomach bug but I know it more than a stomach bug I could possibly be pregnant but I haven't told him yet because I want to be sure first. Janet is on her way with the test from Walgreens.

Knock! Knock!

Janet: Hey how are you feeling?

Toni: I wish this wasn't happening I throw up all day at the slightest smell

Janet: Where is Kenny?

Toni:Hes at work changing some of my appearance around

Janet: And Nicole?

Toni: She's at work helping Kenny and before you say anything, I trust both of them

Janet: Well after you hear what I found on her,she won't be so trusting

Toni: What? Are you serious?

Janet: Yes but first lets find out if I'm going to be a auntie or y'all need more practice

Toni: Oh trust me we practice alot around here

Janet:Lol see I knew you were a freak

Toni: Ha Ha shut up and give me the test

Janet opens the bag putting five different test on the table

Toni: Why so many test?

Janet: I didn't know which one was best so I got all of them

Toni: I only needed one

Janet: I know but at least you will be sure

Toni: Ok are you just as nervous as I am?

Janet: No I'm actually excited and you will be too lets cross our fingers

Toni: Ok here goes nothing


Babyface: How many dates we have for Toni tour?

Nicole: it's a 20 city tour and some off days

Babyface: Have you notice how Toni has been acting lately?

Nicole: No not really,why?

Babyface: Shes been sick since we ate at the restaurant

Nicole: It could be food poisoning

Babyface: Yea it could be but I think I know what's wrong

Nicole: She could be nervous about the tour

Babyface: How many Tv and radio appearances?

Nicole: 5  Oprah, GMA, CBS Early morning, and some radio press

Babyface: Ok and Unbreak My Heart comes out this week ?

Nicole: Yes it's already in rotation and going quickly up the charts

Babyface: Yes! That's my girl ( out of excitement hugs her)

Nicole: Um what was that?

Babyface: Im sorry that will never happen again

Nicole: Its ok I understand

Babyface: Good I don't want Kerri to assume we have anything going on

Nicole: Hes a good husband he wouldn't think that

Babyface: If he's so good why you didn't tell us about him

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