I Dont Want to Love Somebody Else

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It's been a week and Kenny is still not talking to me I know something is bothering him but he won't tell me what it is. He has been working late at the studio with artist all hours but he make sure he takes care of Peyton. Since Kenny wants Nicole and I to be a big family maybe she will tell me what's going on,so I invited her over for brunch.

*Door Bell Rings*

Toni : Hey I'm happy you are here

Nicole: Whats going on ?

Toni: Before we start I'm gonna as Luna take the kids to the play room ( their nanny)

Nicole: Ok it sounded like you were in a panic in the phone

( Luna come to get Kendal and Peyton)

Toni: I called you to come have brunch with me and so that we could talk

Nicole: Sure I could use some breakfast

Toni: Ok good, Its about Kenny

Nicole: What happened? Is there something wrong?

Toni: In a way there is, it's been a week since the reunion and Kenny won't talk to me

Nicole: ( sipping a little bit of her coffee) umm im not sure what could be going on

Toni: Come on I know he talks to you about things I need to know whats bothering him, all he does is come home eat and plays with Peyton and go to sleep

Nicole: Have you tried talking to him at work?

Toni: Kenny is not going to talk to me at work that's his favorite place in the world and I don't want to bring whatever problems we are having there

Nicole: Im sure you could talk to him in his office,it's sound proof

Toni: How do you know it's sound proof?

Nicole: Thats where he talks to all his artist especially when it comes to money

Toni: I know but I would appreciate if you could talk to him possibly and whatever you say I know he will listen

Nicole: Ok I will try to see what's going on and I will text you later

Toni: Thank You I will keep Kendal for you he will be fine

Nicole: Ok I will be back in 2hrs and brunch was really good

Toni: Toni Thanks

~Edmonds Studio~

Knock! Knock!

Babyface: Hey what's up ? I thought you were off today?

Nicole: Yea I am I just came by to see everyone and talk to you about something important

Babyface: Whats wrong did something happen to Kendal?

Nicole: No hes fine he's with Toni right now playing with peyton

Babyface: Oh then what's going on?

Nicole: Toni asked me to talk to you

Babyface: About what?

Nicole: She feels like you have been avoiding her like crazy and when she tries to talk to you, you are busy or you just don't have time

Babyface: Ok do you remember the night of the family reunion we had ?

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