Tell Me

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AN: Sorry for taking so long to do this chapter hence the long chapter,enjoy 🤗


I squeezed Kenny hand to let him know I could hear every word he was saying and I wasn't going to give up with out a fight, Every day I heard everyone pray that I get better and stronger every day  I knew I had to for Peyton I'm sure she is wondering what is going on and why I'm not there but Kenny let me know she was in good hands while I was in the hospital.

Babyface: Toni baby I'm here ( Thank You God)

Toni tries to speak

Babyface: Dont try to speak right now,I have a writing board for you

Toni writes she wants a glass of water And ask to see Peyton

Babyface: Nicole is bringing her here today,Toni you should see her she's saying mommy everytime she see your pic

Toni smiles as a tear comes from her eye

Babyface: Do you know why you are here?

Toni writes No,Toni doctor walks in

Dr.M: Hi Toni I'm Dr Matthews and this is my team we have been monitoring you since you came in
How do you feel?

Toni writes I'm a little fuzzy and I want to go home

Dr M: Ok thats normal and you will be home in a few days I'm going to have therapy come by and work with you and you will be out before you know it

Babyface: Thank You for everything, why is she having a problem speaking?

Dr M: Her throat is a little dry it should clear up in in a few hours

Toni writes when can I go back to work?

Babyface: Work? Toni baby you don't need to get back work any time soon  I will handle everything I just want you to take as much time you need to recover

Dr M: Hes right Toni, you gave us a scare for a minute I will give the nurse instructions and see you tomorrow,bye

Babyface: Thank You


Babyface: Come in

Nicole walks in with Kendal and Peyton,Toni sees how Peyton is clingy to Nicole and is being shy Toni  starts to cry tears of joy and sadness

Nicole: Look Pey theres mommy

Toni: My baby don't even know me anymore (crying)

Nicole:No Toni don't cry it's ok shes been this way all morning

5 minutes later Peyton reaches for Babyface and lays her head on his shoulder smiling at Toni

Babyface:Pey don't do mommy like that go to mommy she missed you so much

Toni: Pey mommy missed you come to mommy
(Toni starts to sing their favorite song slightly) You're My Sunshine My Only Sunshine You Make Me Haopy When Skies are Grey...

Peyton slowly goes to Toni lap,Toni cries as she kiss her on her forehead

Toni: I missed my princess

Nicole and Kendal stay for 40 more minutes then talking about what all she missed at work and fun times, Nicole could tell Toni was getting sleepy so she decided to leave, Peyton had fell asleep on Toni chest that was her favorite place to sleep Babyface and Nicole walk out closing Toni door walking them to the parking deck

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