Tell Me 2

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(Long Chapter)

I sat there on our bed in silence I started having flash backs of all the things I saw happening between Nicole and Kenny as tears ran down my face. It made me sick to my stomach I instantly rannto the bathroom to throw up, Kenny started beating on the door for me to open it but I wouldn't I didn't want him in my personal space at the moment I just wanted to be alone. I was mad and hurt at the same time I didn't know what to do ...

Babyface: Toni please open the door ( knock,knock)

Toni: Not now! Leave Me Alone!

Babyface: Tone baby I so sorry can we please talk about this

Toni:Kenny,now is not the time you should've talked to me 9 months ago !

Kenny wasn't giving up

Babyface: Baby it was a accident

Toni: What are you saying,you had a Oops baby?

Babyface: Tone you are wrong for that you know every baby is a blessing

Toni: Yea when it's with your own wife Kenneth

Kenny knew when I called him Kenneth or Brian I was really mad with him

Babyface: So You mad, mad when you call me Kenneth

Babyface remember there is a key at the top of the door for emergencies, Babyface finds Toni in their walk in closet that led to the bathroom

Toni: As I should be Kenny I gave you my life I never cheated on you NEVER! And this happens! I you knew how much I wanted a boy you knew that! And you go off and have one with one of my best friends what the fuck were you thinking?

Babyface: Toni what are you doing?

Toni went Angela Bassett and what getting all his suits everything that made him " Kenny Babyface Edmond "  Toni grabbed the bleach and lighterfrom under the cabinet in the bathroom

Toni: Do you have any idea how much this has hurt me?

Babyface: I can't only imagine I don't know what to do to fix this

Toni: Are you sure he is yours?

Babyface: Yes I have the results in a shoe box on the top shelf

Toni finds the box and read the results in disbelief

Toni: Kenny do you know how bad this makes me look?

Babyface: Yes both of us

Toni: Both of us ? Were you thinking of both of us when you were fucking her? Huh?  I can't hear you

Babyface hears Peyton cry

Toni: Dont you dare move, I will get Peyton I'm all she has

Toni puts Peyton back to sleep and starts packing her stuff

Babyface: Wait! What are you doing?

Toni: I don't want her here while we are going through this I'm calling Towanda to pick her up

Babyface: Thats fine just don't leave me,please!

Toni: Dont leave you?  It's taking everything in me not to! I dont have anything left to give Kenny !

Babyface: Yes you do, you have me , Peyton,your family and your fans they neeed you I need you

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