Wedding Plans

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Every since we told our families we were expecting and announcement of us getting  married both  families have been more supportive than I thought . At first I didnt know if I was going to keep this baby but Kenny talked me out of it, he wants a boy I want a girl but in all it really don't matter as long as it's healthy. Not long after Kenny purpose  we decided to have our wedding in Paris  and honeymoon in Barbados Nicole is the Wedding Coordinator and Janet is helping me with my dress.

Janet: Toni we have been to 20 stores and nothing seems to fit you right

Toni: I know I just want this day to be perfect

Nicole: What about I contact one of you favorite desginers to see if he can have one finished in two weeks

Toni: 2 weeks who is going to do it in 2 weeks

Nicole: Trust me it can be done desginers have been calling left and right to make your wedding dress

Janet: Sounds good to me

Nicole: Ok I'm gonna make some calls and let's you know who's going to do it

Janet: So have you decided on the flowers yet ?

Toni: Spring flowers with cherry blossoms

Janet:Thats going to be beautiful

Toni: I can be a little girly when I want to

Janet: Speaking of girl do you  know what you are having?

Toni: No not yet it's too soon to tell

Janet: Cant wait, I going to give you the biggest co-ed baby shower

Toni: I think I would love that but can we keep it private I don't want too many people there just family and friends

Janet: Yea I will get with Kenny and everyone and set a date

Toni: Thank You, now let's get something to eat

Nicole: And get you home so you can rest
~Edmonds Home~

Toni: Ken I'm home! Ken!

Babyface: Hey baby, I was in the office, how did it go?

Toni: Good Nicole is really helping me with getting everything together

Babyface: Your sisters came by earlier to check on you

Toni: Why didn't they call me?

Babyface: Because you left your phone here

Toni: Oh sorry I thought I had it in my bag I was wondering why you hadn't call

Babyface: I would've called Janet or Nicole but they told me not to they would call you later

Toni:Ok I will call them when I get upstairs, Youre cooking tonight?

Babyface: Yes it will be ready when you wake up

Toni: Ok I'm exhausted we looked at a lot of dresses

Babyface: Im sure whatever you picked out you will look beautiful

Toni: Awww thank you baby ( he gives her a kiss on her forehead)

Babyface: I'm going to get started on dinner have a nice nap

Toni: I will be dreaming of you

Toni: Mmm this taste so good

Babyface:Its a recipe my mom gave me she loves Italian

Toni: Im going to call her and tell her she taught you well just don't tell my mom I said that

Babyface: lol I wont, how are you feeling?

Toni: Good the morning sickness has slowed down

Babyface:Thank God I'm not sure if I could handle it anymore I felt bad

Toni: Really? I'm sure you wasn't thinking that when we were having sex like crazy

Babyface: Neither were you miss Libra

Toni: Ha Ha Ha real funny

Babyface: Nicole Called while you were sleeping,she said her and the  Wedding Coordinator for the venue is coming by in the morning

Toni: Ok What time?

Babyface: 11:00 in the morning

Toni: Oh ok I can't wait for you to see everything

Babyface: I will when I get the bill

Toni: What? It not that expensive

Babyface: You call 1.2 million not expensive

Toni: Every girl loves a fairytale wedding and you asked me to marry you remember?

Babyface: Yes I do,Anything for my princess

{Toni smiles siting on his lap}

Babyface: Have I ever told you how beautiful you look pregnant, you are glowing { rubbing her stomach in circles}

Toni: Thank you I'm excited I can't wait until he or she gets here

Babyface: Im hoping for a boy

Toni: I would love a girl

Babyface: Maybe we will get blessed with both

Toni: Mmm maybe we shall see after the wedding

Babyface:Cant wait to see you walking down the aisle in your beautiful dress

Toni: I can't wait to see you in your tuxe handsome

Babyface: I love you

Toni: I love you more and cake tasting is tomorrow afternoon

As I watch her sleep with my hand over her stomach feeling our baby move I cant wait to marry the love of my life I have been waiting for someone like her to come into my life, I couldn't be happier...

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