South Africa

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Toni and I never imagined that Love Marriage Divorce wouldve took off like it did it earned us Grammys and other awards but most of all a tour in South Africa! When we got the call that we had been booked for South Africa I couldn't wait to tell Toni since we haven't had any vacation in a long I knew this is what we both needed.

Babyface: Good Morning Tone

Toni: Morning did you sleep well?

Babyface: Not really I was up most of the night with Kris and Kendal

Toni: Sorry I guess I was so tired I didn't hear them

Babyface: Its Ok before they wake up I want to tell you something

Toni: Uh oh what did you do?

Babyface: No I didn't do anything at least not yet ( bitting his lip)

Toni: Then what is it ? And is sex all you think about?

Babyface: First I want to say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the morning and Second Yes all I do is think about is sex when I'm with you we have amazing sex but that's not part of what I need to tell you

Toni: The only way you are getting any of this is of the kids is tonight with date night

Babyface: Im looking forward to it

Toni: So what is it?

Babyface: Johnathan called and said we have been booked for a tour in South Africa!!!

Toni: What? Omgggg I can't believe we are going to South Africa I have to call the girls and Mommy they are gonna be so excited for us ( hugging and kissing him)

Babyface: Mmm baby we haven't kissed like that in a long time

Toni: I know and tonight we are going to celebrate our good news

Babyface: What if we celebrate now? (Deeping the Kiss)

Babyface picks Toni up wrapping her legs around him placing her on the kitchen counter as he starts to kiss on her neck taking off her shirt as she takes off his as he trail kisses down to her stomach right when he was about to take off her thong the baby monitor goes off

Babyface: ( sigh) Mmm I knew this was gonna happen

Toni: Me too let's go get our babies,but tonight we will finish what you start

Babyface: ( smack ass) Oh Trust me I will

After The kids are fed and dressed Toni calls her family to share the news

Group Chat

Tamar: Whats Up Living Legend
Towanda: Hey Tone what's going on?
Trina: Whats up everybody!
Traci: Hey everybody

Toni: Hey I'm calling because Ken and I have announcements

Tamar: What you pregnant again?
Towanda: Tamar let her finish
Traci: Dont tell me Kenny lying ass cheated again
Trina: Taraci! Stop

Babyface: And to answer your questions I didn't cheat on Toni again those days are over

Tamar: Are you sure ? cause I just saw you with Nicole the other day hand and hand on Peachtree

Babyface: I know you are not talking, Tamar stealing husband Braxton

Toni: Ok you two stop it

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