Princess Edmonds

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As I'm being rushed to labor and delivery so many thoughts are going through my head,Who will she look like? Will she be short or tall? Will she want to be a singer or a actress? Most of all where is Kenny?!  I'm in so much pain but I know it will all be worth it when I see her beautiful face and hold her in my arms.

Toni: Omg I'm in so much pain please make it stop

Ms.Evelyn:Hang in there Toni you will have her soon practice on your breathing

Tamar: Girl where is your baby daddy I called him 20 times already

Toni: Hes probably busy with L.A.

Tamar: When I couldn't get him I called Janet and she said they were on their way but that was an hour ago

Toni: I'm sure they will be here soon,try Nicole cell

Tamar: Why do I need to call that heffa for?

Toni: Tamar just call her

{ Tamar calls Nicole from Toni's cell}

Nicole: Hello Toni we are 5 mintues away

Tamar: Hey Nicole its Tamar not Toni, she asked me to call you to ask have you seen or heard from Kenny?

Nicole: Yes we are together he's currently driving

Tamar: What? Why are you with him? Put Kenny on the phone

{ Nicole puts Babyface on speaker as Tamar continue to talk}

Babyface: Tamar! Tamar! Don't worry about Nicole
she rode with me from work we are our way is Toni ok?

Tamar: Listen Kenny she really needs you right now she's really scared

Babyface: Tell her to relax and look at our wedding video and focus on what we learned in class

Tamar: Ok I will and umm watch your back Kenny that's all I'm going to say

Babyface: Tamar stop I'm fine despite of what you have heard Nicole is a great person

Nicole: And very married

Tamar: Not for long I hear ( hangs up)

{ Nicole starts to cry, Babyface grabs her hand}

Babyface: Its going to be ok don't stress yourself

Nicole: But how did she know?

Babyface: I don't know but I'm going to find out

Nicole: Ok

{ Hospital}

Babyface: We are here, Janet and LA should be here in a few

Nicole: I will wait until the waiting room for them while you go back there

Babyface: Ok I will be out soon as I can with updates and remember what I said stay stress free

Nicole: Ok I will be waiting

{ Janet LA and the rest of Toni family members arrive in the waiting room}

Toni: Ken! You made it

Tamar: About time I thought I was gonna have to stand in for you

Babyface: Not now Tamar

Tamar: If not now when Kenny I don't like what's going on!

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