Family Matters(2)

313 13 2

3 am

As I lay here with Toni as she sleep on my chest I'm thinking about my son and his mother is here unknown to my wife he's my son, I promised Toni I would never hurt her again this would lead to a final divorce so for now he's my God son. I slightly move from under Toni to go to the kitchen to get a glass a wine to help me relax as I'm going down the stairs I hear Nicole singing

Babyface: I didn't know you could sing (Whispering)

Nicole: ( slightly jump) omg you scared me

Babyface: Sorry I can't sleep,what are you doing up?

Nicole: I was up feeding Kendal

Babyface: I was going to feed him and get me a glass of wine

Nicole: Its ok I got it

Babyface: Where did you learn to sing?

Nicole: In middle school I was in chorus and in highschool I changed my mind and wanted to become a dancer

Babyface: You sound really good

Nicole: Thank You

Babyface: I could help you if you wanted to sing a little

Nicole: No Im fine being a backup dancer

Babyface: Ok I won't push it but you could become Selena 2.0

Nicole: I will think about it

Babyface: Oooh smells like he needs changing

Nicole: Would you mind? I need to go to the bathroom myself

Babyface: Ok no problem

As Babyface is changing Kendal,they have a bonding moment as Nicole watching by the door as he hold Kendal rocking him in the chair

Nicole: I see he likes you, he fell right to sleep

Babyface: I want him to know I'm always going to be here no matter what

Nicole: Hes lucky to have you

Babyface: No I'm lucky to have him

As Babyface and Nicole look at each other about to kiss, until Babyface hear Peyton cry

Babyface: Im going to go check on Pey she probably had a bad dream or something

Nicole: Yea maybe

Babyface: Good Night

Nicole: Good Night see you in the morning


Toni: Good Morning,Did you sleep well Nikki?

Nicole: Yes for once in weeks,thanks to Kenny

Toni: Kenny has always been a great father especially when Peyton was first born he wouldn't let me lift a finger

Babyface: I had to let you get your rest, once you were rocking the car seat without the baby in it,it was so funny I had to record it lol

Toni: Ha ha ha speaking of baby I hear Kendal waking up

Babyface: Stay I will get him

Nicole: He loves you,I couldn't get him to sleep until last night

Toni: What did Kenny do so special?

Nicole: He held him to his heart and started singing, I guess he has this special touch

Toni:How long after did you fall asleep

Nicole : About 5 or 10 min later and thankfully he slept through the night

Toni: Kendal is a good baby, unlike Peyton she didn't let me get  any sleep

Nicole: ( picks up peyton) Peyton is a sweetie pie

Toni: Yea when she wants snacks and juice

Nicole: Cant wait to take some pics of Kendal I'm excited to dress him up for Christmas

Toni: I will give you the name of  the photographer we used for Peyton

Nicole: Thank You I must get going I Kendal has his first Dr appointment today, again thanks for everything

Toni: Ok, I'm glad you were able to get some rest I will call you later

Babyface comes downstairs with Kendal in his arms

Nicole: Thank You for everything I need to get going Kendal has a appointment for his check up

Babyface: Ok call me if you need me or Toni for anything.

Toni: At Anytime day or night

Nicole: Ok I will

Babyface: Tone I'm gonna walk them to the car and leave for work

Toni: Ok Ken see you in a few I need to put some finish up on some things with a few songs

Babyface walks Nicole to the car helping her with Kendal in the car

Nicole: His appointment is at 2:00,will you be there?

Babyface: Of course I will,see you later


Toni: L.A I really want to wrap this up today I think we have a hit

L.A: Dont worry it will

Babyface: I agree especially Unbreak My Heart

Toni: I really don't like that song

Babyface: I know that's why I want to put that out first

Toni: If you say so

Babyface: I know so, the way you sing with so much pain it's people that want to hear what made them fall in love with you in the first place

Toni: Ok Ken I trust you

Babyface: Ok, I have to leave to meet with Nicole L.A and Daryll will take over see you when I get home

Toni: Will you pick Peyton up from my mom? I'm going to be here working late

Babyface: Yes see you later I love you

Toni: Love You Too


Babyface picks up Peyton heading to Kendals doctors appointment

Nicole: Thank You for being here

Babyface: I wouldn't have it any other way

Dr Smith: You have a very healthy baby boy

Nicole: Thank You

Dr Smith: Everything is going smoothly at night ?

Nicole: Yes hes doing well, it been a little difficult the first few weeks but now he's sleeping better now

Dr Smith: Thats expected but give him a few more weeks to get use to his home

Babyface: Anything that can be done to make him more comfortable?

Dr Smith: Babies like certain sounds try playing ocean waves or soothing sounds

Nicole: Ok I will do that,thank you

Dr Smith: I will see you in a few weeks

As Babyface and Nicole walk out of the doctor's office Toni watches from her car as they look like one big happy family


As I sit in my car I see Kenny and Nicole come out with Peyton and Kendal in their arms as if they were a family and I wasn't married to Kenny just the thought of Kenny doing that to me again makes my heart ache in pain, I watch as he put Kendal in the car and Nicole picks up Peyton and kiss her cheeks, Peyton laughs as she is tickled by her I whip a year from my face my mind is going crazy and my heart is in a hurt place or maybe it's not what I seeing...

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