What If 2

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Suddenly I was sick to my stomach as Detective Marrow gave me the details of Daniek being Kennys brother I ran to the nearest bathroom Janet followed
I just couldn't believe this was happening to me all I wanted to do was get back at Kenny for keeping Kendal a secret from me and now things have gotten out control.

Janet: Tone are you ok?

Toni: No do you know what this mean my son could also be my nephew that's going to turn this family upside down

Janet: I know but you had no idea that he was Kenny brother

Toni: I shouldve picked up on some things that he did

Janet: Its going to be ok

Toni: Not this time I can't have this baby that's the only way this will be right

Janet: No you can't! You know Kenny doesn't believe in abortion and I'm sure Daniel wouldn't want you to do it either

Toni: What am I going to do?

Janet: The Best thing you can do is wait for the DNA tests to confirm everything

Toni: Do you know how long that is going to take omg ! ( Pacing Back and Fourth)

Janet: Toni ! Toni! Calm Down Please before you lose the baby

Toni: Ok you're right Im gonna go back to talk to Detective Marrow

Janet: Ok


Detective Marrow: Is everything ok Toni?

Toni: Yea I'm ok, I just found out I'm Pregnant Morning Sickness

Detective Marrow: Oh I see, and now you just found out about Daniel being Kennys brother that could be a bit overwhelming

Janet: We are going to take the information you gave us and get back with you

Detective Marrow: Sure no problem I will be in touch soon

Toni: Thank You

After Detective Marrow leaves Toni ask Janet to take her home she was too upset to drive but to keep the information between them until more information can be found out, soon Toni fell asleep in the car before they arrived

Janet: Toni wake up we are home

Toni:Mmm oh god I was dreaming crazy and was hungry at the same time

Janet: Lets get you in the house and feed my niece or nephew

Toni: You always know how to make me laugh

Janet: Feeling better?

Toni: Yea but I'm not sure how I'm going to tell Kenny

Janet: Your not let's just wait until you are able to get the DNA test I don't need your stressing out about this

Toni: Ok

Toni and Janet walk in the Edmonds home to see blue and pink balloons every where and flowers everywhere

Toni: Omg this is beautiful

Babyface: I wanted to surprise you with everything you mean to me, beautiful

Toni: ( crying) Thank You

Babyface: You are my world and I'm never ever letting that go ( kissing her passionately)

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