The Truth {1}

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Today my sweet Peyton turns 1 month old and she's everything I thought she would be, and it's true she has Kenny wrapped around her little finger already as I told Kenny she would lol . For the past few weeks Kenny has been really busy at the studio being the hit maker he is but still finds time to help me with Peyton he's been a great husband and father . While Peyton sleeps I go in the studio downstairs to write and work on my new album I can't wait for my fans to hear it.

Toni: Good Morning

Babyface: Good Morning beautiful did you rest well last night?

Toni: Yes, I slept like a baby for once, Peyton didn't wake up?

Babyface: Yea she did but you were sound asleep I took care of her

Toni: Oh God I must have been really tired

Babyface: You were, you said you were going to close your eyes for 30 mintues in 2 minutes you were out like a light

Toni: Thank you baby for doing daddy duty last night

Babyface: Im going to take a shower and get ready for work it's going to be a long day

Toni: Ok I will go let the nanny in and make you some breakfast after I check on Peyton

Babyface: Thank You I will be down in a few

{ While Babyface takes a shower he receives a few text from Nicole }

Nikki: Good Morning don't forget about the class at 12 today and thank you for everything last night I don't know what I would do without you

{ Toni is in disbelief of what she just read, as the water turns off Toni places the phone back on the bed leaving the room before Babyface could come out of the bathroom}

{45 mintues later}

Babyface: Mmm ( kissing Toni cheek wrapping his arms around her ) everything smells good

Toni: Thank You I made your favorite French Toast, Cheesy Eggs, and Turkey Sausage and here is your Coffee

Babyface: I wasn't just talking about the breakfast, how was Peyton?

Toni: She was crying a little but all she needed was her pamper changed and a little rocking back to sleep

Babyface: Good well I have to run I will see you later for dinner

Toni: Ok what time should I expect you

Babyface:No later than 8:00 ? Love you

Toni: Love you More


Babyface: Good Morning everyone

Janet: Hey how is Toni ? And my cute little niece Peyton

Babyface: They are both fine you and LA should come by  the house soon

Janet: I will go by there for lunch I miss them

Babyface:Sounds good let's get these sessions started

Janet: Ok let's start I'm ready

Nicole: Just a reminder you have a meeting at 12

Babyface:Ok Thank You I will be there can you make reservations after

Nicole: Yes anything else ?

Babyface: Yes make a time slot for Toni studio time please and confirm a few interviews for her as well

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