Just tell the truth

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Everybody looked at Kenny Ashe stood there with Kendal in his arms as they found out Kenny had a baby outside of our marriage. Tamar looked as if she wanted to say something but she was stopped by Traci who always said what was on her mind. My mother had this look on her face that I will never forget it was disappointment, 1. Disappointed  because I didn't tell her and 2. That Kenny had cheated on me during our marriage but what she didn't know I was pregnant again but this time I didn't know who the father was.

Ms E: Kenny I want to speak with you, in private right now

( As she stood up from her seat at the table)

Babyface: Yes ma'am

Everyone was silent as they watched Kenny hand Kendal to Nicole and kiss Toni on her cheek as he walked into his office with Ms E

( Walking in after Ms E closing the door behind them out of no where Ms E slaps him)

Babyface:Omg! Ms E why?

Ms E: I may not be your mother but I'm sure if she was here she would've did the same thing I just did

Babyface: Im Sor-

Ms E: Listen, I don't want to hear it what the hell were you thinking when Michael and I gave you Toni you promised not to hurt her and we trusted you

Babyface: I know,It wasn't my fault it's a long story and Toni has forgave me for everything that has happened

Ms E: Why did I have to find out like this ? She could've talked to me for heaven sakes

Babyface: Ms Braxton I don't know why she didn't tell you maybe she just wanted to keep things private you will have to speak with her

Ms E: Oh trust me I will, are you sure Kendal is yours ?

Babyface: Yes we took a DNA test at the hospital and is showed I'm 99.99999 % his father I have the letter here in my office

Babyface shows Ms E the letter showing he's the father of Kendal,as Ms E is reading the letter there is a knock on the door

Toni: Ken I was just checking to see if everything ok

Babyface: Hey Toni we were just finishing up talking

Ms E: Toni I'm so angry with you I can't talk to you right now I'm so disappointed in you

Toni say nothing as Ms E let her know how she feels about what is going on between her and Kenny

Toni: Mom I was gonna talk to you about what was happening but I was scared and did the know what to do

Ms E : That's what I'm here for I'm always here for you, you know you can talk to be about anything

Toni: Well while we are in here you should know I'm pregnant I was going to announce it tonight with everything else

Ms E: What?

Toni: I said I'm  pregnant and I don't need the stress right now

Ms E: I feel as there is more to this than what you are tell me, come on out with it

Toni starts to explain as tears stream down her face

Ms E: You know what? This is a mess this is a hot damn mess I can't believe this is happening 

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